
XIV Congreso Nacional de Desarrollo Profesional para Profesores de Inglés

Magíster David Williams

University of New Mexico

US. Embassy in Argentina, US Department of State.

Baby It’s Cold Outside:  Warm up Activities for the Language Learning Classroom

Prof. Luciana Fernández

National Geographic Learning

Univeristy of Cambridge, Faculty of Education.

How to develop Vocabulary in the Language Classroom

Prof. Alastair Grant

How to teach a conversation lesson


Lic. Martin Villarreal

How to train your students in 21st century skills

Mgter. Sarah Hillyard

How to create projects that will help learners steam ahead


Mgter. Carolina Echeverría

How to use drama to boost your

student ´self confidence and learning potential.

Prof. Alejandro Diharce

How to help your students build their power to communicate  naturally

Prof.Alejandra Alliende

How to implement drama games in a literary context

Prof. María Teresa Manteo and actress Lydia Stevens

How to Cultivate Thinking Habits and Rich Talk through Picture Books and Performed Storytelling


Prof. Alfredo Bilopolsky

How to use digital tools with your kids and teens

Mgter. Laura Szmuch

How to foster a caring classroom atmosphere

Mgter. Claudia de Martin

How to best design a teaching programme for older adult learners

Prof. Esp. Mariano Nastri

How to hook your teen and adult students up with high-impact tasks


Lic. Carlos Alberto Petrini

How to develop a powerful listening comprehension programme

Prof. Paula Ferrari

How to teach writing at secondary school collaboratively with digital tools


Prof. Florencia Clarfeld

How to innovate your testing techniques

Prof. Sandra Frattini

How to design and manage a brain friendly and mindful classroom

Prof. Natalia Carbonell

Lic. Nylia Monté

How to “flood” your classroom with games for a purpose

Lic. Vicky Saumell

How to use choice boards to engage and empower your students

Lic. Cecilia Sassone

How to accelerate learning with teen and adult students

Prof. María Inés Martins

How to start yoga with kids in your classroom

Mgter Silvana Carnicero

How to make the most of a perfect match: new technologies and project-based learning

Prof y Trad. Gilda Pinciroli

How to motivate your students by bringing the outside into the inside of the classroom.

Prof. Cecilia Cabrera Martirena

How to make Teaching and Learning Visible

Mgter. Marcela Burgos Pawlak

How to raise cultural awareness using songs and films

Prof. Irene Bianchi

Wish me luck! (a one woman show)

Prof. Lucía Soriano

How to implement Growth Mindset, the New Psychology of Success for students and teachers

Prof. y Trad. Betiana Grillone

How to empower your students through PBL (Project –based learning)


Magíster Marina Kirac


Prof. Ricardo Spizzo

How to teach our dyslexic students without neglecting the whole class?

Mgter Liliana Silvina Vidal

Neurodiversity in the English Classroom

Lic. Vanina Celeste Loperfido

Adolescencia, Bullying y Conductas de Riesgo

Lic. Cecilia Ramirez &  Lic. Patricia Martin

Como incluyo a un chico con Asperger en mi aula de Ingles

Lic. Clara Dadourian y Lic. Magdalena Elcoro

Charla 1 : ¿Cómo es un Aula Consciente? Programa Aulas Conscientes: Mindfulness, Educación emocional y Psicología Positiva


Charla 2: ¿Qué recursos de Educación Emocional podemos utilizar en el aula? Programa Aulas Conscientes



Lic. Patricia Passerieu y Lic. Dolores Basaldúa

Charla 1: Resolución de Conflictos – Prevención de Violencia


Charla 2: Construyendo Alegría – Prevención de la depresión



Prof. Lucila Vidal

Inclusión escolar en Trastornos del Espectro Autista

Magíster Lucía Pestana Correia

y Téc. Sup. Uriel Weicman

Los retos de la Educación Inclusiva de las personas con discapacidad en un sistema educativo en transición.