Our friend
Alicia López Oyhenart, coordinator of the PPD Programme and Editor of E-teachingonline announces that the next event Celebrate
Literature will be held at Cuba 1930, Belgrano, CABA on August 30th.
Teachers using literature in their classes or colleagues who simply love
literature will find the sessions extremely useful and pleasurable.
Claudia Ferradas, M Cristina Llorente, Mariano Quinterno, Cecilia Lasa and Marian Derfler will offer
great presentations:
& Find out details:
You may
contact Alicia at alilopez@fibertel.com.ar or TEFAX: 011 4782 2582
Issue 100 is on line at www.e-teachingonline.com.ar
With two
new Special Sections: Techie World and 2014 World Cup.
There are
loads of new FREE activities for all- ge / all level-classes.
around this new Issue where you will find materail, news and ELT
information to keep updated.
There are
Song, Film and At the Computer activities to integrate language in a natural
way! Everything is FREE!!!
You may
contact the editor