An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac ©


Year 5                Number 133            August 29th 2004

6500 SHARERS are reading this issue of SHARE this week
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being SHARED




How are you all? It´s been a long time since our last issue of SHARE. Many of you wrote to us enquiring about our health or whether we had decided to quit writing SHARE.

Thank you for your interest and your concern. There was nothing wrong at home only that Marina and I have been very busy helping to organize the celebrations of the 30th Anniversary of the English Department of our College. A hard but enormously satisfying task. Imagine what it means to Marina and I and to all the members of the Organizing Committee getting in touch with teachers and classmates we have not seen for so long ( in our case for more that two decades!) and to think that our work is going to help about 300 graduates to rebuild that silver bridge of comradeship with old teachers and friends. We are toiling but enjoying every second of it.  


And thank you dear SHARERS for your unfailing support during the “virus storm” we all suffered. Can we get a couple of things straight?


1.- SHARE has never sent or will ever send attachments. So, if you ever receive a message which is purported to be from SHARE, from me or from Marina: DO NOT OPEN THE ATTACHMENT. Simply because it is not ours. We never send attachments.


2.- All the issues of SHARE have certain distinctive characteristics. We never send messages with only one line like “ incredible animals” or “foto galery” (in this latter case, it should be said that our English is a tiny little better than that, or is it?)


3.- We have changed our e-mail addresses and the “netizen” addresses are no longer operative. Please take note of our new addresses:   



Omar and Marina




In SHARE 133


1.-    Future Directions for Fast, Stress-Free Learning.

2.-    The Advantages of Task Based Learning.

3.-    An Interview with David Nunan.

4.-    Report on an International Conference on Learning Styles.

5.-    The Practice of English Language Testing.

6.-    Tercera Jornada Bonaerense para Traductores e Intérpretes.

7.-    Second ELT Fair in the West.

8.-    Forthcoming OUP Event.

9.-    Cuartas Jornadas ALPHA de Español para Extranjeros.  
10.-   Word son Words in Córdoba.

11.-   Seven Times Effective Directors and Coordinators.

12.-   Seminario sobre Relaciones Laborales.

13.-   The Buenos Aires Players in Escobar.

14.-   The English Teaching Clinic.
15.-   Last Seats for “On the Road” Performances.






Our dear SHARER Alicia Monterubio from La Plata has sent us this article by the celebrated creator of Total Physical Response (TPR).


Future Directions for fast, stress-free learning on the right side of the brain*

By James J. Asher, Ph.D.


A paper prepared for European educators at the invitation of Alexei A. Leontiev, Secretary General of the International Association for Collaborative Contributions to Language Learning in Moscow, Russia.


Traditional left-brain approaches which we all have experienced in thousands of foreign language classes (including English as a Second Language) simply do not work. Perhaps a more charitable way to express it is to say that production-driven approaches which attempt directly to teach talking in a target language do not work well enough to continue the effort. The evidence: 96% of students who voluntarily enroll in foreign language classes "give up" after three years. Only 4% continue to achieve at least minimal levels of fluency. More damaging: Not only do our students "give up" but they are now convinced that they "cannot learn another language." After all, they tried but the results were high-voltage stress and the humiliating experience of failure.

What happened? The approaches seemed to be sound and rooted in common sense. For example, we know from our high school geometry that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. So, let's proceed from A to B directly in a straight line. If you want to acquire another language, then "listen and repeat after me!" "Memorize this dialogue" and "Let me explain the grammar rule for the day." What could be more transparent as an instructional strategy?

But it did not work. The laboratory research and practical experience in thousands of foreign language classrooms indicated that one human being cannot directly teach another human being to talk. Apparently we are not biologically wired up to acquire a language in that fashion. Leslie A. Hart would say that the traditional approach of "teaching" children and adults to speak another language is simply brain antagonistic. The approach does not fit our knowledge of how the brain functions.

It sounds like pedagogical heresy. Of course one person can directly teach another person to talk. It seems obvious, but this belief turns out to be an illusion, a myth that has persisted generation after generation with the fallout being a massive experience of failure not only for students but also for instructors. If teaching students to talk was successful then we would not have this situation in the USA: Of the 500,000 young Americans stationed in the military throughout the world, only 418 were judged to be linguistically competent to communicate in the language of the host country. Japan and other Asian countries, where learning English is a national craze, schools carry children through six years of English as a foreign language. Still, only a few students break the fluency barrier to achieve communication skills in English.

Recently, on a trip to Europe we met a colleague, Dr. Francisco Cabello, who has lived most of his life in Seville, Spain and is a Professor of Spanish at famous Concordia College's Language Villages in Minnesota. He authored the successful series of books The Total Physical Response in First Year English, Spanish and French*. I asked him, "How successful do you think second language learning is in Spain?"

Dr. Cabello: "Not very. Parents are frenetic to find a way for their children to acquire English. They spend a fortune on private lessons after school. You see full page ads in the paper and expensive television commercials for private language courses, especially for learning English. This is probably true in the surrounding countries, as well."

Asher: "And the result?"

Dr. Cabello: "Well, you don't hear people speaking English anywhere do you?"

Asher: "How do you explain this?'

Dr. Cabello: "They use traditional instructional strategies such as grammar-translation and listen and repeat after me.

Asher: "All brain antagonistic approaches, especially in the initial and even intermediate stages of language learning."

Dr. Cabello: "Yes. These programs try to ram the skill into the student through the left brain. It doesn't work but they don't know what else to do. A few students can tolerate the stress and eventually acquire enough skill to function in the target language but most do not."

Asher: "Why do you think that grammar-translation has held on so long ?

Dr. Cabello: "I think it is more comfortable for instructors who are not native speakers of the target language. They are off the hook. When they speak in the target language, they are anxious that their pronunciation may not be perfect. So, to escape any criticism, the safe approach is to ask the students to take out pencil and paper and start translating. I don't think it is more complicated than that."


A Brain Compatible Instructional Strategy


...that works for most students who are acquiring second languages, mathematics, and science.

Historically, school has played to the left side of the brain almost exclusively from the third grade through the university. In classrooms, the arrangement of chairs is in a pattern that is comfortable for left brain instruction. Students sitting in rows and columns face one direction to receive information that will be delivered in serial order through verbal media either in speech or in print. Input is to half of the brain-the left side. Students who are "academically gifted" can, on their own, switch the information coming into the left brain over to the right brain for complete processing to achieve meaning.

A classic example is a study by Jacques Hadamard of how eminent mathematicians think. The stereotype is that these professionals think in sharp symbols and equations-in other words, they are processing information exclusively on the left side of the brain. But Hadamard discovered that outstanding mathematicians think in visual and kinetic images. One of the people in the study was Einstein who confided that he visualized events in motion and he added that he felt that imagination was more important in mathematics and physics than intelligence. Of course, visualization and motion is processing information through the right brain. But school is organized, unintentionally to be sure, to shut down the right brain.

For example, notice that as instructors we give ourselves the advantage of using the right brain when we move about the classroom in our delivery of information. Movement of our body makes information flow from left to right and back again at lightning velocity. But we do not accord our students the same privilege. They must sit and "pay attention" to us as we move about the scene. We allow only limited movement from students as when they move their arms to scribble a note or raise their hands occasionally to ask a question. If you think back on all the classes you have attended, can you recall any instructor in any grade from the first through the university who sat with hands folded for 75 minutes and talked?

With the realization that the student's body and the student's body movements are my best allies in helping students internalize information, I always encourage my students in statistics courses to move about the room frequently. "If it helps" I tell them, "please feel free to get up anytime and walk out for a drink of water or to go to the restroom or simply walk around the back of the room or move from one side of the room to the other for a different perspective of the scene." Also, I reverse roles continually to permit students the movement privilege bestowed upon teachers. For instance, at the start of each class meeting, I will invite students to present their work on the board so that everyone is continually moving to the chalkboard to reverse roles with me. Incidentally, I usually invite students to present their work in pairs rather than alone. This strategy neutralizes the fear generated by the critical left brain that, "Oh, no. You have to go up to the front of the room and speak in public!" Remember that the worst fear people have is speaking in public.


The Power of Movement in Acquiring Another Language


By now most language teachers in the United States and Canada have heard about my Total Physical Response (TPR) approach. In 25 years of laboratory research and thousands of classrooms, we have demonstrated that TPR can be applied as the major focus of language instruction or as an effective supplement. However, few language instructors outside North America are aware of the dramatic differences that can be achieved in their instructional program with TPR.

The benefits of TPR are (a) rapid understanding of the target language, (b) long-term retention lasting weeks, months, even years, and (c) zero stress for both students and the instructor. The principle of TPR is deceptively simple-it is simple to understand, but does require skillful application to be effective.

The principle of TPR may be seen in the interaction of adults and infants in intimate caretaking transactions. If you observe carefully, you will witness in the caretaking experience a continual conversation between adults and the infant. It is, of course, not the usual conversation in which talk is uttered back and forth between two or more people. It is a unique conversation in which the adult talks to the infant and the infant answers with a physical response that is meaningful to the adult. For example, the baby can be only days old and an adult will say, "Look at me. Look at me." The baby turns its head in the direction of the voice and the adult exclaims with delight, "She is looking at me!" Another person says, "Now look at Daddy! Look at Daddy!" The infant turns in the direction of the voice and smiles. I call these unique conversations in caretaking, "language-body conversations." The adult speaks and the infant answers with a physical response such as turning the head, smiling, crying, reaching, grasping, walking, etc. Caretaking is a rich networking of language-body conversations that continues 16 hours a day for years.

During the period of birth to about two years of age, there will be continual language-body conversations between caretakers and the neonate, but the infant's talk will be limited to a few single utterances that are distortions of such words as mother, father, water, go, swing, drink, bottle, etc. However, the stunning feature of a language-body conversation is that before even "mommy" or "daddy" becomes clearly articulated, the infant demonstrates perfect understanding by physically responding to complex directions from the adult such as, "Pick up your toys from the sofa, and put them on the bed in your room." The infant demonstrates perfect understanding of complex sentences even though the baby is barely able to utter a single word.

The first achievement in language acquisition is exquisite skill in understanding the target language. I call this understanding comprehension literacy. Observations of infants show that most babies internalize, through body movements, an intricate linguistic map of how the language works before the infant is ready to talk. And when talk appears, it will be fragmented, distorted, and primitive compared with a fluent understanding of the target language. Furthermore, throughout the child's development, production will lag far behind comprehension. Language acquisition is clearly a linear progression with comprehension first, then production. Never do we observe infants in any culture or in any historical period showing language acquisition starting with production followed by comprehension.

The phenomenon of comprehension followed by production is so striking that it suggests a design in the brain and nervous system with "biological wiring" programmed like this: Talk will not be triggered until the infant has internalized enough details in the linguistic map. Clearly, the triggering mechanism for production is comprehension literacy. Biological wiring is not a metaphor, but has definite reference points in the brain as suggested by Broca's Area (located in the frontal region of the left hemisphere) which, if damaged, disturbs speech and Wernicke's Area (located in the posterior region of the first temporal gyrus) which, if injured, produces impaired comprehension of speech.

It is significant that the location in the brain for speech and comprehension is distinctly different. For example, the clinical literature has many case histories of brain injured patients who can speak but cannot comprehend sentences uttered by others, and other patients who can comprehend what is said to them but cannot speak. Future research with high-technology brain scanning equipment will probably show that the infant's brain first lights the circuitry in Wernicke's Area with intense neuro-electrical activity that continues for many months before the circuitry in Broca's Area becomes busy.

Incidentally, there is no evidence that the "biological wiring" for language acquisition changes as the infant develops into childhood and then adulthood. And, indeed, our experiments (Asher, 2000) together with classroom observations of children and adults (Garcia, 2001) suggest that a linear progression from comprehension to production is imperative for most students (perhaps 95%) if they are to achieve multi-skill fluency in a second language. The evidence is clear, however, that a "progression" starting with production (teaching children and adults to talk, read or write) is an illusion since it results in a success rate of only 4% (Asher, 2000).


Comprehension Literacy

How to help second language learners achieve it



If comprehension is a critical first step in the language acquisition process to give students a "head start," then how to proceed? Fortunately, several dozen books together with video demonstrations are now available to guide language instructors step-by-step. I have listed many of them in the references at the end of this article. If you choose to apply the Total Physical Response to help your students achieve comprehension literacy, then I recommend that you start with my book, Learning Another Language Through Actions* which explains the theory, summarizes the research, answers the most often-asked-questions about TPR, and then presents practical day-to-day lessons for 150 hours of classroom instruction.

For additional practical lessons and hundreds of valuable tips for a successful TPR experience with your students, I recommend Ramiro Garcia's book, Instructor's Notebook: How To Apply TPR For Best Results*. In the second edition of my book, Brainswitching: Learning on the Right Side of the Brain*, you will find hundreds of practical examples that demonstrate how to use movement (and other high-powered techniques to transfer information from the left to the right brain. This switching from one side of the brain to the other helps students achieve stress-free internalization of "complex" concepts in mathematics and science. For more suggestions on how to implement successful right brain teaching, see my book: The Super School of the 21st Century*.


Classroom Applications


Infants acquire language during language-body conversations with their parents. When students in the classroom have language-body conversations with their instructor, they achieve comprehension significantly faster than infants. Here is the reason: infants are limited in their range of physical responses. School children and adults, by comparison, enjoy a vast network of physical movements such as writing, cooking, drawing pictures, driving vehicles, playing games, operating computers, riding bicycles, and so on. Fluent understanding that takes years for infants to acquire can be achieved by students in a fraction of the time using TPR.

Here is a sample of a language-body conversation in the classroom: We begin with what Dr. David Wolfe, a master TPR instructor of French and Spanish working in the Philadelphia schools, calls the "big eight"-that is single commands of stand, sit, walk, turn, run, stop, squat, and jump.

Typically, the instructor will invite a student to sit on either side and listen carefully to what the instructor will utter in the target language (with no translation) and do exactly what they see the instructor doing. (To further relax students, they are briefed that they are to be silent and not attempt to pronounce any of the utterances they will be hearing.) The instructions are, "Relax, be comfortable, listen, watch what I do and do exactly the same thing. I will not ask you to pronounce any of the utterances you will be hearing."

The instructor then says in the target language, "Stand," and stands up motioning for the students sitting on either side to rise. Then, "Sit" and the instructor with the students sits down. Next, "Stand, Walk, Stop, Turn,..." etc. After hearing the commands several times and acting along with the students, the instructor sits down and invites individual students (including those observing in the audience) to perform alone in response to the commands. The intent is to demonstrate to each of the students that they have indeed internalized the strange utterances and understand them perfectly.

From the "big eight," unending combinations are possible to help students rapidly and gracefully internalize an intricate linguistic map of how the target language works. Examples of combinations that number in thousands of sentences starting with the "big eight" would be: "Stand, walk to the chalkboard and touch the eraser."

"Walk to the door, open it, and ask, "Who is there?"

"Run to the chalkboard, write your name, and under your name, write my name."

"If I walk to the table, and pick up a piece of paper, you run to the closet and get the broom."


Once understanding is achieved and students begin to talk, then what?


Internalizing understanding of the phonology, morphology, and semantics of a target language is not a trivial achievement. It cannot be rushed. It will take time and patience. However, I can promise that if you use the language-body conversations of TPR, students will internalize the target language rapidly in huge chunks rather than word-by-word. The success of this procedure is a heady experience for both the instructor and the students. The instructor will feel enormous power and the students will feel that something magical is happening to them.

I can also promise that as the process of understanding through the body continues, at some point, each student will be ready to talk. This readiness to talk varies from student to student. A few will be ready almost immediately, others will not be ready for many weeks, but most seem to be eager to talk after 10 to 20 hours of TPR instruction. It is important to respect each student's decision as to when that person is ready to talk.

Again, this readiness cannot be forced by the instructor; it will appear spontaneously and when students begin to talk, it will not be perfect. There will be many distortions, but gradually, production will shape itself in the direction of the native speaker. Whether production will be accent-free is a function of age. Before puberty, the probability is extremely high that the student will be accent-free, but after puberty, the probability is almost certain that the individual will have some accent no matter how many years the person lives in the foreign country. (For more on this important issue, see Asher, 2000, and Garcia, 2001).


What can be done to accelerate the development of production


As language-body conversations continue, the student internalizes more and more details about the phonology, morphology and semantic structure of the target language. This internalization process proceeds in a kind of linguistic zero-gravity because the student seems to float in a weightlessness state. Each move seems effortless. The language code imprints at a rapid rate with an ease that gives the illusion that nothing has happened. When the internal linguistic map is imprinted with enough detail, talk is released analogous to the spontaneous appearance of speech in infants. As with the infant, speech is distorted, fragmented, and develops in slow-motion compared with the flashing speed the student has been internalizing comprehension.

Speech appears in "role reversal" after about 10 to 20 hours of TPR instruction. At this point, the instructor invites students who are ready, to assume the role of the instructor and utter commands to direct the behavior of fellow students and the instructor. In a search to accelerate the develop of production- that is, talking, reading, and writing, an experienced TPR instructor of Spanish, Blaine Ray, has successfully tested with his level 1 high school and college students a storytelling technique which he calls, Look, I Can Talk*. This is a student textbook, now available in English, Spanish, French, and German, in which students listen and watch as the instructor tells an illustrated story in the target language using familiar vocabulary. Gestures are used to cue different words in the story such as a whistle and a slap on the thigh for dog and rubbing of the thumb and forefinger to represent money. Then, using gestures, each student is invited to retell the story in their own words to another student.

After that, each student writes the story using their own words. Rapidly, story by story, students are amazed to discover that they can express themselves in speech, reading and writing. You can order for your level 2 students, Look, I Can Talk More!* in English, Spanish, French, and German and for level 3 students, Look, I'm Still Talking*. Todd McKay has written and pretested for eight years a series of student books entitled, TPR Storytelling: especially for students in elementary and middle school*. (For more details on these books, see the pages in the back of this book.)


Why most students experience success with TPR



As a hypothesis, it may be that most students are more right-brained in processing information. If so, then "school" as it is usually conducted, would not foster successful learning experiences. Hence, any instructional strategy that has built-in brainswitching should be successful with most students for first trial learning, long-term retention, and zero stress. Of course, that is exactly what TPR offers.

We have observed in the typical school population that students with a painful history of difficulties coping with academic content presented through the left brain, excel in language classes that apply TPR. For the first time in their school experience, these students achieve at the same level as the "A" students-the "smart kids." Ironically, these students who have "difficulty" learning are often "written off" by school administrators as "unteachable with low academic aptitude," and hence unprepared for the demands of foreign language classes. After all, they can't cope with classes in their native language, so how can we expect them to manage classes in a foreign language?

There is another powerful advantage to brainswitching instructional strategies especially in school where confinement restricts movement both physically and psychologically. Space is diminished to the territory around one's desk and left brain instruction draws the circle of space even tighter around the individual with the constraint of sitting in a chair, focusing attention and minimal body motion.

With TPR, space expands rather than contracts. Students are in motion using their bodies to respond to directions in the target language. There is instant success followed by nonstop assimilation of the target language. The interaction among students can continue for hours after the TPR class is over. Students can play with the target language using utterances to direct each other:

"Pass the ball to me."

"Come here!"

"Throw the ball to her!"

Stand over here!"

Walk forward three steps!"

Another exciting application of TPR is using the target language in coaching sport's activities. For example, all coaching for soccer could be in Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, or any other target language-because there is instant understanding with directions such as, "Pass the ball to Luke." "Stretch your arms like this to block the pass." "Jump higher!" Students not only improve their skill in a sport but as an additional bonus, acquire another language in the process.

Of course, this strategy of coaching in another language applies to instruction in any vocational skill. A cooking class, for instance, can be done in French as easily as English or Japanese, because directions are transparent to the trainees.


Application to teaching mathematics and science



Skillful brainswitching from left to right and right to left is brain compatible instruction that reaches most students. For example, it is not enough to tell students (which is left brain input). Telling is the favorite mode of input from instructors. Code words for telling include "cover the chapter," or "explain" the concepts.

For example, ask a few people to give you the first thoughts that come into their minds when you say, "algebra." Typical responses are: pain, confusion, equations, unknowns, headache, tension, Xs and Ys. It is apparent from national test scores that "requiring" a course in algebra is not the equivalent of "acquiring" skill in algebra. Requiring is not the same as acquiring.

Algebra is a fundamental skill one needs to operate in higher mathematics, yet few high school graduates feel comfortable or proficient in using this powerful language. Not only do most graduates have zero competency, but they can see no value in this activity. It is perceived as an academic obstacle one must somehow hurdle to graduate. It is beyond the scope of this paper to explore the value of algebra except to hint that algebra is closer to theology than to engineering, an insight known for hundreds of years by spiritual teachers and the great philosophers. The reason, of course, is that the exquisite patterning of mathematics contradicts the randomness hypothesis of human existence. For example, the concept of evolution cannot explain the patterns within mathematics that fit together with a perfection that defies all "laws" of probability.

Consider this simple metaphor suggested by the prolific science writer, Isaac Asimov: If you shuffle a new deck of cards only once, how many times must you shuffle to return the cards to their original arrangement? The answer is that it will require billions of shuffles to get the cards back into the original sequence. If you disturb the arrangement of 52 items, it takes billions of trials to retrieve the initial pattern. In algebra, there are hundreds of items which fit together with astonishing perfection; hence to achieve that fit by randomness would require not billions of shuffles, not trillions of shuffles, but so many shuffles that we do not have an appropriate word in any language.

We attempt to explain the intricate biological patterns of human, animals, plants, and even galaxies as the end-product of billions of years of imperceptible changes. But what about mathematics? There was no evolution. The labyrinth of patterns was discovered rather than invented. The patterns are there without an explanation of how they came to be.

But, let's return to the task of "learning" algebra. I can share a brainswitching strategy that helps all students internalize a simple model of algebra that is rich in meaning and enables them to perform successfully. It involves asking the students to stand up. I ask them to relax, move so that they have room between themselves and the person on either side. Then, I tell them that I know the picture they have as to what algebra is (because they just told me). "Now, let's compare that picture with the picture in my head. Algebra to me is like flying an airplane. Everybody extend your arms out from your body like this" and I demonstrate. "Notice that the plane is flying level. The object of algebra is to fly the plane level. You will know that the plane is level because the equal sign will light up on display panel in the cockpit."

"Now notice how your airplane maneuvers when I turn the wheel like this" (and I turn the imaginary wheel to one direction). As I turn the wheel, students will automatically lower one arm and raise the other to represent that their planes are making a turn. Next, I say, "What will happen if the plane continues in this direction?"

A student will volunteer, "We will crash and burn!"

"That's right!" I respond. "Quickly, tell me what to do."

Another student will exclaim, "Turn the wheel in the opposite direction."

I do so, and the "wings" of the planes in the room move to a level position. "Ah, now we are safe again. The plane is flying level. You can put it on automatic pilot, take out your lunch, and relax."

"Let's make another turn," and we go through the maneuver in the opposite direction. "Notice that anytime you make a turn, the plane is in danger until you turn the wheel back to level the wings. The object in algebra is always to fly the plane level."

Now the students have internalized a model in motion that I can refer to in any algebraic maneuver. For example, in y - y = x, I will comment that the plane is flying level because the equal sign lit up on the display panel of the cockpit. But I want to turn the wheel by eliminating a minus y. "Tell me how to do this."

Someone will advise me to, "Add y to the left side."

"Fine," I respond, "but show me with your body how the plane is flying" and the student will move one arm straight up in the air and the other sloping down. "Are we in danger of crashing?" I ask.

"Yes," a student responds.

"Quickly," I urge, "turn the wheel the other way to level the wings. What must I do?"

A student will help me with, "Add y to the right side."

The cockpit display now reads: y = x + y. The plane is flying level. We are safe until we make another algebraic maneuver.


The Future of TPR


The most exciting application of TPR may be in Europe rather than America. The concept of a "United States of Europe" suggests that it may not be necessary for people in different European countries to "speak each other's language." It may be more realistic for each person trained with TPR instruction to only understand six or more other languages. Speaking those other languages is not necessary because, for instance, a person from England speaks English to someone from Italy and that individual responds in Italian. Everyone speaks in their native language which is most comfortable.




Asher, James J. Learning Another Language Through Actions*, Triple-Expanded Sixth Edition, Year 2000. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Asher, James J. The Super School of the 21st Century*.

Demonstrates how students of all ages enjoy fast, stress-free learning on the right side of the brain for any subject or skill. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Asher, James J. "Year 2000 Update for the Total Physical Response, known worldwide as TPR." You can read this article on the web at:

Asher, James J. "Year 2001 Update for the Total Physical Response, known worldwide as TPR." You can read this article on the web at:

Cabello, Francisco. The Total Physical Response in First Year*. (Can be ordered in English, Spanish, or French.) 2001, Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Garcia, Ramiro. Instructor's Notebook: How To Apply TPR For Best Results*. Fifth Edition, 2001, Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California 95031.

Krashen, Stephen D. "TPR: Still a Very Good Idea." Novelty, Volume 5, Number 4. December 1998.

Márquez, Nancy. Learning with Movements*: Total Physical Response English for Children, 1999. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Márquez, Nancy. Apprendiendo con Movimientos*: Método TPR Español, 1999. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Márquez, Nancy. L'Enseignement Par Le Mouvement*, 1999. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

McKay, Todd. TPR Storytelling: Especially for Students in Elementary and Middle School*, 2001. Available in English, Spanish, or French. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Ray, Blaine and Contee Seely. Fluency Through TPR Storytelling*. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.)

Ray, Blaine. Look, I Can Talk!* (level 1). Look, I Can Talk More!* (level 2). Look, I'm Still Talking!* (level 3). Available in English, Spanish, French, or German. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031)

Schessler, Eric J. English Grammar Through Actions*.How to TPR 50 grammatical features in English. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Schessler, Eric J. Spanish Grammar Through Actions*. How to TPR 50 grammatical features in Spanish. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Schessler, Eric J. French Grammar Through Actions*. How to TPR 50 grammatical features in French. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Seely, Contee TPR Is More Than Commands At All Levels*. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Silvers, Stephen M. Listen and Perform: TPR for Elementary and Middle School Children*. (You can order this book in English, Spanish or French.) Sky Oaks Productions, Inc.,P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Silvers, Stephen M. Listen and Perform: Teacher's Guidebook*. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Silvers, Stephen M. The Command Book: How to TPR 2,000 Vocabulary Items in Any Language*. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031.

Wolfe, David and G. Jones. 1982. "Integrating Total Physical Response strategy in a level 1 Spanish class." Foreign Language Annals 14:273-80.

Woodruff-Wieding, Margaret S. and Laura J. Ayala. Favorite Games for FL-ESL Classes*. Sky Oaks Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 1102, Los Gatos, California, 95031


© Copyright 2001 by James J. Asher, Ph.D.







Our dear SHARER Richard Frost has sent us this article on TBL and the plan for a demonstration task.


A Task-based approach

By Richard Frost, British Council, Turkey.



In recent years a debate has developed over which approaches to structuring and planning and implementing lessons are more effective. This article presents and overview of a task-based learning approach (TBL) and highlights its advantages over the more traditional Present, Practice, Produce (PPP) approach. This article also links to the following activity: “Planning a night out”.


Present Practice Produce (PPP)



During an initial teacher training course, most teachers become familiar with the PPP paradigm. A PPP lesson would proceed in the following manner.

* First, the teacher presents an item of language in a clear context to get across its meaning. This could be done in a variety of ways: through a text, a situation build, a dialogue etc.

* Students are then asked to complete a controlled practice stage, where they may have to repeat target items through choral and individual drilling, fill gaps or match halves of sentences. All of this practice demands that the student uses the language correctly and helps them to become more comfortable with it.

* Finally, they move on to the production stage, sometimes called the 'free practice' stage. Students are given a communication task such as a role play and are expected to produce the target language and use any other language that has already been learnt and is suitable for completing it.



The problems with PPP


It all sounds quite logical but teachers who use this method will soon identify problems with it:

* Students can give the impression that they are comfortable with the new language as they are producing it accurately in the class. Often though a few lessons later, students will either not be able to produce the language correctly or even won't produce it at all.

* Students will often produce the language but overuse the target structure so that it sounds completely unnatural.

* Students may not produce the target language during the free practice stage because they find they are able to use existing language resources to complete the task.


A Task-based approach



Task -based Learning offers an alternative for language teachers. In a task-based lesson the teacher doesn't pre-determine what language will be studied, the lesson is based around the completion of a central task and the language studied is determined by what happens as the students complete it. The lesson follows certain stages.



The teacher introduces the topic and gives the students clear instructions on what they will have to do at the task stage and might help the students to recall some language that may be useful for the task. The pre-task stage can also often include playing a recording of people doing the task. This gives the students a clear model of what will be expected of them. The students can take notes and spend time preparing for the task.



The students complete a task in pairs or groups using the language resources that they have as the teacher monitors and offers encouragement.


Students prepare a short oral or written report to tell the class what happened during their task. They then practice what they are going to say in their groups. Meanwhile the teacher is available for the students to ask for advice to clear up any language questions they may have.



Students then report back to the class orally or read the written report. The teacher chooses the order of when students will present their reports and may give the students some quick feedback on the content. At this stage the teacher may also play a recording of others doing the same task for the students to compare.



The teacher then highlights relevant parts from the text of the recording for the students to analyse. They may ask students to notice interesting features within this text. The teacher can also highlight the language that the students used during the report phase for analysis.



Finally, the teacher selects language areas to practise based upon the needs of the students and what emerged from the task and report phases. The students then do practice activities to increase their confidence and make a note of useful language.


The advantages of TBL

Task-based learning has some clear advantages

* Unlike a PPP approach, the students are free of language control. In all three stages they must use all their language resources rather than just practising one pre-selected item.

* A natural context is developed from the students' experiences with the language that is personalised and relevant to them. With PPP it is necessary to create contexts in which to present the language and sometimes they can be very unnatural.

* The students will have a much more varied exposure to language with TBL. They will be exposed to a whole range of lexical phrases, collocations and patterns as well as language forms.

* The language explored arises from the students' needs. This need dictates what will be covered in the lesson rather than a decision made by the teacher or the coursebook.

* It is a strong communicative approach where students spend a lot of time communicating. PPP lessons seem very teacher-centred by comparison. Just watch how much time the students spend communicating during a task-based lesson.

* It is enjoyable and motivating.




PPP offers a very simplified approach to language learning. It is based upon the idea that you can present language in neat little blocks, adding from one lesson to the next. However, research shows us that we cannot predict or guarantee what the students will learn and that ultimately a wide exposure to language is the best way of ensuring that students will acquire it effectively. Restricting their experience to single pieces of target language is unnatural.

For more information see 'A Framework for Task-Based Learning' by Jane Wills



Task based speaking

Richard Frost, British Council, Turkey


This is a speaking lesson on the theme of planning a night out that uses a listening exercise to provide language input.

* Preparation and materials

You will need to record two people planning a night out on the town


* Pre-task (15-20min)

Aim: To introduce the topic of nights out and to give the class exposure to language related to it. To highlight words and phrases.

o Show sts pictures of a night out in a restaurant / bar and ask them where they go to have a good night out.

o Brainstorm words/phrases onto the board related to the topic; people / verbs / feelings etc.

o Introduce the listening of two people planning a night out. Write up different alternatives on the board to give them a reason for listening e.g. (a) restaurant / bar (b) meet at the train station / in the square. Play it a few times, first time to select from the alternatives, second time to note down some language.

o Tell them that they are going to plan a class night out and give them a few minutes to think it over.


* Task (10min)

o Students do the task in twos and plan the night. Match them with another pair to discuss their ideas and any similarities and differences.


* Planning (10min)

o Each pair rehearses presenting their night out. Teacher walks around, helps them if they need it and notes down any language points to be highlighted later.


* Report (15 min)

o Class listen to the plans, their task is to choose one of them. They can ask questions after the presentation.

o Teacher gives feedback on the content and quickly reviews what was suggested. Students vote and choose one of the nights out.


* Language Focus (20min)

o Write on the board fives good phrases used by the students during the task and five incorrect phrases/sentences from the task without the word that caused the problem. Students discuss the meaning and how to complete the sentences.

o Hand out the tapescript from the listening and ask the students to underline the useful words and phrases.

o Highlight any language you wish to draw attention to e.g. language for making suggestions, collocations etc.

o Students write down any other language they wish to remember.


Note: You can go on the planned night out with your students. This can make it even more motivating for them.






Our dear SHARER Kate Dallys wants to SHARE this interview with all of us:



Dr. David C. Nunan is a world renowned linguist and specialist in the field of TESOL. An acclaimed author of many teacher training textbooks as well as coursebooks, Professor Nunan has also served on a number of executive, academic and editorial boards. He is currently serving as President of TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages), and teaches at Newport Asia Pacific University and Hong Kong University. He resides in Hong Kong with his family.


On Teaching


ELT: How has ELT changed since you started in the profession?
DN: When I started teaching, we were in the grip of audiolingualism. So the biggest change I experienced was the impact of communicative language teaching, which began to have an impact in the mid-1970s, and is still going on today.

How do you find ways to motivate yourself as a teacher, lecturer, and researcher?
I love what I do, and when you love what you do, then you are automatically motivated. I sometimes stop and think "Gee, they actually PAY me to do this!"


On Research


Over the past decade, there has been a shift towards the idea of student independence when they learn English, and substantial research has been done on 'learner-centered' approaches to teaching. Is this the way English is going to be taught over the next decade?
This really depends on the context. In some contexts, the degree to which you can foster independent learning is restricted by either cultural factors or the prior learning experiences of the students. Learner-centeredness is more of an attitude that an approach. Also, I would not say that learner-centeredness is necessarily synonymous with independence - although in most situations it is.

How much of your work time involves academic research? What avenues are you currently pursuing and why?
About one-third of my work time involves academic research. Currently, I am involved in two projects. One of these looks at the impact of new technology on learning outcomes. The other is looking at how learner conceptions of language and learning change as a result of exposure to learner-centered instruction.

In your experience as a professor to candidates for the Master-level TESOL/TEFL courses, what generally separates a 'good' thesis/dissertation from an 'excellent' one?
The excellent dissertation has a degree of creativity and originality that is generally missing from the 'good' dissertation.


On Textbooks

How long do you spend on research and writing for any course textbook?
It generally takes around four years, although my new series for younger learners, Go For It, took seven years, and involved writing eight drafts.

What aspect of the writing process is the most time-consuming?
Rewriting successive drafts as a result of feedback from teachers who pilot the materials. I have to achieve a compromise between my ideas and what teachers and learners are ready to accept.

Both your course series 'Listen In' and 'Speak Out' have been described by the publisher as "Made for Asia". Does this imply that particular teaching techniques or exercises are more effective for an Asian setting than an international one?
I think that the basic concepts apply to most EFL situations - e.g. don't overload the students with lots of new vocabulary and grammar, don't ask learners to come up with language that they haven't been specifically prepared for etc. The biggest difference is in terms of the topics, the contexts in which the language is taught, and the overall 'look' of the materials.

Your latest course textbook, 'Go For It!', is aimed at middle and high school students. What motivated you to write a course for such a group?
I wanted to see whether my ideas on learner-centered instruction and task-based learning could be made to 'work' with low-proficient learners in the 10 - 15 year old age range.


On Presenting


How often do you give presentations at conferences every year? How long do you give yourself to plan and research for the presentation?
I average around forty presentations at international conferences each year. That doesn't mean a have 40 different presentations. I usually have around ten new presentation each year, and offer these to conference organizers or whoever invites me. So, in August, I gave around 26 presentations in five Latin American countries over a three week period. However, there were only around six different topics that were dealt with.

You gave a presentation at the JALT'99 Conference titled 'ELT in the New Millennium'. Will technology play a major role in language learning?

Technology is already having a big impact in some situations, but it will be many years I think before every learner has access to technology.




What has been TESOL's biggest contributions to the ESL/EFL world?
I think it's done a great deal to professionalize the EFL/ESL world. It provides wonderful professional development opportunities through the annual convention, the TESOL academies, etc.. In the field of research, it has established the TESOL International Research Foundation. Within the
U.S. it does a great job of advocacy for the profession. And it has done a great deal to develop and disseminate standards for teaching and teacher education in the last 4 - 5 years.

What are your goals in your term as TESOL President?
I wanted to do more to internationalize the association. Being the first President to run the organization from so far away from head office has been a real challenge.


On Leisure

Away from the educational field, how do you spend the remainder of your time? What hobbies do you engage in?
What time? I receive up to 400 TESOL-related email every 24 hours - and these can take me up to six hours to deal with!. Actually, if I get any free time I like to paint - I'm an enthusiastic, but VERY amateur, watercolor artist.

How's life in Hong Kong for an expatriate? Have things changed significantly after the 1997 hand-over?
No, life goes on - at breakneck speed!


© 2004 by ELT News. The Web Site for English Teachers in Japan.







Our dear SHARER Liliana Geranio from Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos has sent us this preliminary report on a Congress she attended in Madrid last July.


1er. Congreso Internacional de Estilos de Aprendizaje (1er informe)


El Congreso se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Madrid, los días 5, 6 y 7 de Julio. La sede del mismo, fue el edificio de la Facultad de Humanidades de la UNED. (Universidad de Educación a Distancia).

La UNED. se encuentra en un barrio tranquilo de Madrid. Cuenta con varios edificios cada uno para sus respectivas carreras. Cabe destacar, el edificio de la biblioteca, que consta de 8 pisos y está al lado del edificio de Humanidades. Este último, consta de varios pisos, es moderno, con tres cafeterías, un salón con capacidad para 500 personas y está climatizado.

El Congreso fue inaugurado por el Dr, Arturo de la Orden Hoz, de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y la Dra. Catalina Alonso, de nacionalidad argentina, investigadora de la UNED.

Me llenó de orgullo escuchar, a lo largo de las sesiones del Congreso, con el respeto que se nombraba a nuestro país y a sus docentes e investigadores.


El Congreso


Se entiende por estilos de aprendizaje, a la forma en que cada uno tiene de aprender. Los estilos son propios de la categoría Natural.

Se caracterizan por manifestaciones exteriores, el tratamiento de la información y del conocimiento y están determinados por la personalidad.

Existen varias teorías sobre los estilos de aprendizaje, cada una de ellas, correspondiente a diferentes autores que se han dedicado a este tema. Entre ellos, podemos nombrar a: Keefe, Dunn Dunn Price, Money y Munford, Kinsella y Sherak, Gardner, etc.                                                                                                                                  


La teoría de Money y Munford, es la más usada.  En ella  los estilos se dividen en:

a-     Activo: aprenden actuando.

b-    Reflexivo: aprenden de y para el problema.

c-     Teórico: aprenden deduciendo, reformulando.

d-    Pragmático: interés por la aplicación, preferencia por lo funcional, toman decisiones desde lo útil.


Cabe destacar, que los estilos están en estrecha relación unos con otros. No existe el estilo puro, vale decir, nadie es puramente activo o reflexivo o teórico o pragmático.

Veamos ahora, la taxonomía de las actividades para cada uno de los estilos.

a-     Activo: describir, identificar, dibujar, recortar, expresar, indicar. Son los típicos animadores, improvisadores, descubridores, participativos.

b-    Reflexivo: distinguir, ordenar, interpretar, relacionar.

c-     Teórico: deducir, reformular, predecir.

d-    Pragmático: aplicar, transferir, experimentar, resolver, practicar.


Así como existen distintos estilos de aprendizaje, también podemos decir que existen distintos estilos de enseñanza. Ellas son:

a-     Abierto

b-    Formal

c-     Estructurado

d-    Funcional


Para saber el estilo de aprendizaje que utiliza cada uno, existe el Cuestionario Money-Alonso de Estilos de Aprendizaje, llamado “CHAEA”. Este cuestionario ha sido diseñado para identificar el estilo de aprendizaje preferido por cada uno. No es un test de inteligencia ni de personalidad. No hay límite de tiempo para contestarlo, pero no ocupa más de 15 minutos hacerlo. En él, no hay respuestas correctas o incorrectas y es útil en la medida en que cada uno sea sincero en sus respuestas

Liliana Geranio  








Our dear SHARER Susan Cantera writes to us to announce a Seminar that Omar will conduct in La Plata next month:


“New  Ways to Opportunity” School of English takes pleasure in inviting you to a seminar  by Omar Villarreal, which will be given on Saturday 18  September 2004 in La Plata , Buenos Aires.


The Practice of English Language Testing


In this Professional Development Seminar, Lic.Villarreal will address the main methodological principles and the latest trends in the field of testing from a predominantly practical perspective.


* How to test and mark Speaking, Writing, Listening,Reading, Grammar and Vocabulary .

* Is it possible to make testing realistic and enjoyable? How to construct your own tests.

* How to test students of different Age Groups: Children, Adolescents and Adults



Lic. Omar Villarreal

Profesor de Inglés e Inglés Técnico – Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico. Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación (UCALP) Licenciado en Tecnología Educativa (FRA-UTN). University Lecturer in the Area of Applied Linguistics at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional and in Language I and IV at ISFD Nro 41. Lecturer in Didactics of  ESP at Licenciatura en Inglés Universidad Católica de La Plata. He has lectured extensively in all Argentinian provinces as well as in Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Perú. He is the author and co-author of more than 20 textbooks, among them: “Polimodal English”, “Resource Files”, “Grammar Explorer” and “Top Teens” published by Macmillan. 


Date: Saturday 18th September 2004

Time: 9:00 – 12:30

Venue: Salón Residencial Blanco de *Il Tetto”
Avenida 7 Nº 2047 e/ 511 y 512 Ringuelet -

For enrolment contact:

“Best” Bookstore 48 Nº 630, 7 y 8 Local 13 Galería Mayo (0221)424-7226

“The House” Bookstore 6 Nº 1093 e/ 54 y 55 (0221) 421-4396

“New Ways To Opportunity” Avenida 7 Nº 1942 e/ 512 y 513 (0221)484-5194

E-mail: . Website  :

Fees : $20 Teachers     $15 Students


Certificates of Attendance will be given.Fantastic raffles are included.








Our dear SHARER Silvina Garcia Calabria from Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Zona Norte has an invitation to make:


III Jornada Bonaerense para Traductores  e Intérpretes

"La Traducción Especializada, un valor agregado"


Organizan: Círculo de Traductores Públicos de Zona Norte,

Círculo de Traductores Públicos e Intérpretes de Zona Oeste, Círculo de Traductores Públicos del Sur y Círculo de Traductores Públicos de La Plata


Sábado 25 de septiembre de 2004

Martín y Omar 339 -  San Isidro - Buenos Aires - Argentina

Dirigido a: Traductores, Intérpretes, Estudiantes y Docentes de ambas carreras



Paneles de expertos en distintas áreas de especialización


"Los traductores y el asesoramiento técnico-legislativo"

Dr. José Pérez Nieves, Abogado y Traductor Público de Inglés. Subdirector de la Dirección de Información Parlamentaria de la H. Cámara de Diputados de la Nación


"La traducción dentro del proceso legislativo"

T.P Delia Cammisa, Jefa del Departamento de francés de la Dirección de Traducciones de la Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nación. Coautora del Diccionario Bilingüe de Terminología Jurídica español-francés.


"La traducción contable en los grandes estudios" 

Proyección de entrevista a la Cdora. Sandra Menéndez, Gte. del Depto. de Comité Técnico para América Latina

y Centroamérica de importante estudio de auditoría


"El corrector: restaurador de textos"

Trad. Mariela Ansaldo, Correctora de textos en el área de educación a distancia de la Universidad Católica de Salta, Subsede Buenos Aires


"La traducción desde la óptica de una escritora"

Profesora Mercedes Sabarots, Escritora y Profesora en Letras


Talleres simultáneos por idiomas y especialidades


Inglés: "Hedging in Technical & Scientific Translation".  Trad. Alejandra Jorge, Traductora  Literaria y Técnico-Científica profesora del IESLV y de la UNC (Univ. Nac. del Comahue).


Alemán: "Für Mediziner oder für Patienten? - Besonderheiten der fachtechnischen Übersetzung".

T.P. Margarita  Stecher, Profesora de alemán en la Fac. de Cs. Ecs. de la USAL, Profesora en la Goethe Schule, profesora en el IESLV, presidente de la Asoc. Civil de Docentes de Idioma Alemán.


Francés : "Notions Générales sur la Traduction de Brevets d'Invention".  T.P. Violeta Tramutola, Egresada de la UBA; miembro de la Comisión de Ejercicio de la Profesión del CTPCBA. Especializada en el tema de patentes desde  el año 2000. Con la colaboración de las TT.PP. María C. Nieves y Alejandra Lucero Frigerio. Las tres profesionales forman parte del Grupo de Trabajo en lengua francesa del CTPZN, presidido por Nieves.


Italiano: "La Pronuncia dell'Interprete d'Italiano".  Prof. Maria E. Pandolfi.  Profesora de Fonética de la UMSA.


Informes y reservas:

Lunes a  viernes de 9 a 17 h.: 011-15 5 333 3683 /  011 4 314- 4964

Martes y viernes de 9 a 12: 011 4732-0303







Our dear SHARER Cecilia Ramirez de Ricci has sent us details about the ELT Fair she is organizing in the West.



Second ELT Fair in the West

Venue: Centro Cultural de San Antonio de Padua- Volta between Noguera and Directorio. A block from the railway station.

Date: September 18th. From 9:30 to 17:00 hs




 9:30 : Registration


10:00 To 10:45  Nine Principles of Harmony and their relevance to the ELT Classroom


Originally from BREEMA, an ancient bodywork system, these principles can show us how to make the student-teacher relationship, and consequently the learning-teaching process more rewarding and joyful. This session will help you discover why.

By Prof. Oriel Villagarcia M.A.

First degree, Univ. Nac. de Tucuman with a Magna Cum Laude distinction. Fulbright and British Council Scholar. Post graduate studies at the University of Texas. M.A. from the University of Lancaster. Master Practitioner of NLP, Certificate of Completion, NLP University, California. Certified Breema practitioner, Oakland, California.


11:00 To 11:45   Art Chest


ART is a rich and stimulating resource that will enable us to develop our creativity as teachers and learners. It’s a trigger for creative writing, speech, imagination, improvisation, movement, and vocabulary...

A different way to incorporate knowledge. ART will encourage our students and us to engage our right brain.


By Susan Cocimano:

Trained as a Drama Teacher and Psycho-dramatist. She specialises in Drama, Creativity and Psychodrama in Education. Teacher Trainer and former Head of English at secondary level, she designs and conducts Drama and Creativity workshops for teachers and for all those interested in new answers to old questions.

More about her in:


12:00 To 12:30 Commercial Presentation by THOMSON HEINLE

There will be a game and the winner will get a basket full of their products


12:30 To 13:45  Lunch break


13:45 to 14:00 Commercial presentation and raffles by E-Teaching on Line


14:00 to 14:45  The Power of Music

Songs are short and self-contained texts which provide fun, break down barriers reducing anxiety in second language learners and encourage harmony within the self and the group. Why not make the most of them through successful exploitation of the lyrics?

By Prof. Adriana Fernández.

She is a graduate Teacher of English for Primary Level from I.S.P. “Joaquín V. González” and a graduate Teacher of English from I.S.F.D. “R. Rojas”. She has been in the teaching profession for over 20 years. She also attended Methodology courses in England and got a Diploma Level degree at the Oxford A.R.E.L.S. Examination in Spoken English and Comprehension. She is currently teaching Inglés y su Enseñanza I and II, and Espacio de la Práctica Docente I, II and III.


15:00 to 15:45

An overview of hands-on current resources: humour, songs, films, TV programmes a 45-minute presentation to introduce the use of these resources

By Prof. Alicia López Oyhenart. A graduate of the ISN Joaquín V. González, she specialized in English for Special Purposes at Columbia University, New York. Co-author with Mabel Uranga of How?1 & 2 -Co- author with Celia Zubiri of Bessland Parts A & B-Kel Ediciones, Co-Editor of E-teachingonline, the first activity magonline for E. teachers in Argentina. A regular contributor to The Buenos Aires Herald (Education) since 1999 among a wide variety of teaching activities at Secondary and University level.

More about her work:


16:00 to 17:00       Games for a Reason

The use of games, stories, music and game-like activities for the development of linguistic and communicative competence within a coherent and realistic EFL programme.

Lic. Omar Villarreal

Profesor de Inglés e Inglés Técnico –Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico de la UTN.Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación con especialización en Educación Formal – Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Católica de La Plata. Licenciado en Tecnología Educativa – FRA Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Post Graduate studies in Educational Research (MA Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Author of: Top Teens

More about him in:


17:00 Farewell


There will be stands with information about: Pitman Qualifications City & Guilds Examinations, E-teaching on line, Thomson and Heinle, CR ELT Services, Bumblebee Books, and more!!






Our dear SHARERS from Oxford Universitry Press announce:

Date: Saturday, September 4th.

Time: 9:00 to 13:30 hs

Venue: Instituto Colegio del Carmen, Paraguay 1766, Ciudad de Buenos Aires



Active reading lessons for the readers of the 21st Century

by Silvia Luppi

A reader is a book containing simplified language that is used to help you learn the language. A reader is also a person engaged in text. Both come in different levels and sizes. Both have been in constant evolution. What can new readers offer teachers? How can we bridge the gap between our learners’ culture and the printed word of fictional texts?

In this session, we will look at different kinds of readers (both human and paper) and share a variety of activities to make their encounter in the classroom possible, effective, useful and fun!



by Laura Renart

Dictionaries have for ever been silent company in our EFL classes. Some teachers may feel they can’t live without them whereas others may find themselves reluctant to use them on the grounds of difficulty, inaccessibility and child-unfriendly characteristics. The time may have come to put them to other uses and turn them into sources of learning and fun. Together, we’ll see various ways to use dictionaries creatively, adaptable to all ages.


Confirm your attendance on 4302-800, ext.222 or at






Our dear SHARER Maria José Gassó has sent us all this invitation:


Cuartas Jornadas Alpha de Español para extranjeros

11 de septiembre, 2 de octubre y  6 de noviembre de 2004


1) Jornada de capacitación en ELE/septiembre. Sábado 11 de septiembre, de 9:00 a  18:00

Desarrollo de las prácticas ligadas a la oralidad (comprensión y producción oral)


2) Jornada de capacitación en ELE/octubre. Sábado 2 de octubre , de 9:00 a   18:00

Desarrollo de las prácticas ligadas a la escritura (comprensión y producción escrita).


3) Jornada de capacitación en ELE/noviembre. Sábado 6 de noviembre, de 9:00 a 18:00

Desarrolo de la competencia gramatical, a partir de las prácticas de comprensión y producción oral y escrita.


Informes e inscripción:

Sarmiento 1419, Departamento "A" (1er. piso) (y Uruguay) Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Tel: (54 11) 4373-0767 Email:      



Si se inscribe en las actividades de los tres sábados: $300

Si se inscribe en las actividades de dos sábados: $250

Si se inscribe en las actividades de un sábado: $150


Vencimiento de la inscripción:

La inscripción a las actividades del sábado 11 de septiembre vence el 3 de septiembre

La inscripción a las actividades del  sábado 2 de octubre vence el 27 de septiembre

La inscripción a las actividades del  sábado 6 de noviembre vence el 25 de octubre


Si se inscribe en las actividades de dos o tres sábados, debe formalizar su inscripción en la fecha de vencimiento del primero de ellos.



Español para extranjeros

Capacitación en enseñanza de español


Sarmiento 1419, Departamento "A" (1er. piso)

(C1042ABA) Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tel: (54 11) 4373- 0767









Our dear SHARER María Teresa Fernández, Information Assistant with the British Council in Buenos Aires has sent us this announcement:


Words on Words 2004 in Cordoba
Tuesday 31 August

Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
Avda Velez Sarsfield 187, Cordoba

0830-1030- Moving boundaries: change and innovation in current British children's and adolescent fiction by Professor Kim Reynolds. Professor Kimberley Reynolds specializes in children's literature studies and is the Director of the National centre for Research in Children's literature. Her research and teaching specialisms include children's literature, children's reading and the nineteenth century novel.

1100-1200 - An Introduction to Ian McMillan by Isabella Entwistle. Isabella has BA (Hons) Literature and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of Leeds. Currently teaching at Northlands School in Buenos Aires, she has also taught at international schools in Madrid, Paris and Switzerland. A thwarted actress, she has undertaken many demanding dramatic roles as well as directing for amateur theatre in Buenos Aires.


1200-1300 - I talk for a living by Ian McMillan. Described as the 'Shirley Bassey of performance poetry' by the Times Educational Supplement, Ian has been a poet, broadcaster, commentator and a programme maker for over 20 years. The last 12 months have seen him exploring language and communication with schoolchildren, students, teachers, education policy makers, politicians and a host of public services and corporate businesses, in every conceivable location.

British Council
Marcelo T. de Alvear 590 - Piso 4 - C1058AAF- Buenos Aires - Argentina

T +54 (0)11 4311 9814
F +54 (0)11 4311 7747







Our dear SHARER Oscar Molina from Acuarell has sent us this announcement:

How do you perceive and act regarding productivity, time management, positive thinking, proactive development (acting with initiative rather than reacting) negotiation, communication skills, and assertiveness?

True success in organizations encompasses personal and professional growth but in the last few years many of these symptoms have been affecting educational institutions:

        Defensive communication and only reactive responses.

        Lack of team work and proper coaching abilities.

Lack of definition between what is important and what it’s urgent - Poor time management.

        Absence of adequate negotiation skills.

        Insufficient sources of motivation for the staff.

        Not clear or inexistent definition of objectives.

        Inappropriate evaluation systems.


Seven Times Effective        by Lic. Nancy Cortell


This workshop will provide you with the tools for a change in your perception and interpretation of how your organization works. It will help you to identify the focus areas to empower your organizations and to allow them to operate in more effective and encouraging environment.


Focus areas:

* Proactive empowerment

* Time management

* Definition of objectives and mission statement

* Empathic communication

* Negotiation skills

* Synergy and coaching

* Performance standards


The workshop will be divided in 2 sessions of 4 hours each one

August 21st  and 28th      from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.   

Venue: SBS Book Services - Avda. Coronel Diaz 1747 – Buenos Aires

Fee: $ 60 before August 20th


For further information please contact to

ACUARELL Capacitación

Registro C333 – DGEGP – Secretaria de Educación Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Tel. 4827-5235 – Website:   








Our dear SHARERS at SEA - Asociación de Centros de Idiomas – announce:


Seminario : Relaciones Laborales.

Disertante: Dr. Juan José Del Río


Dirigido a Directivos y Propietarios de Centros de Idiomas



Contrataciones del personal

1.    Relación de dependencia.  Caracteres típicos.

2.    La figura del profesional independiente a la luz de la normativa actual.

3.    Servicios a través de honorarios profesionales.  Cuestiones a considerar.

4.    Personal en relación de dependencia.  Contratos de trabajo vigentes y de aplicación.

5.    Análisis de cada supuesto

6.    Consecuencias que surgen  de la aplicación de cada contrato en particular.

7.    Formas a respetar

8.    Suplencias.  Su instrumentación.

9.    Marco de la Ley 13047. El Consejo Gremial de Enseñanza Privada.


LEY 25561: Incremento de indemnización

1. Situación actual

2.    Vigencia.  Casos no incluidos en la normativa


Asignaciones no remunerativas.  Decreto 392/03

Situación actual


Disertante: Dr. Juan José Del Rio

Abogado y Procurador de la UBA. Asesor Letrado de SEA - Asociación de Centros de Idiomas. Ex miembro del Consejo Gremial de Enseñanza Privada. Asesor de Asociaciones de Establecimientos incorporados y no incorporados.  


Día y horario: viernes 3 de septiembre de 2004 - 9:00 a 13:00

Lugar: Viamonte 371 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires


Socios SEA Desde el 28/08/04  $160.-

No Socios  $ 200.-

Inscripción: Tel / Fax (011) 4516-0427 - E-mail:  

Viamonte 371, Ciudad de Buenos Aires





Our dear SHARER Celia Zubiri invites all SHARERS to the performances of her company in Escobar:


Teatro Municipal Tomás Seminari - Mitre 451 - Escobar


Jueves 7 de Octubre

9:00hs.                Pretenders

11:00hs.              Master Cat

14.30hs.              Hercules

17:00hs.              Pretenders


Entrada: $6

Reservas: 4812-5307 / 4814-5455 /

Ante cualquier duda sobre los niveles de las obras o actividades, pueden dirigirse a nuestra página web:





Our dear SHARERS Martha Crespo and Cristina Speranza write to us:


Feedback – Enseñanza de Inglés Presenta: The English Teaching Clinic


* Do you know how to plan a lesson so that it is not a mere succession of tasks?

* Do you know how to make your lesson an experience that goes beyond learning grammar and vocabulary?

* Are you fully aware of the extent to which you are responsible for your students’ performance? Are you ready to face the challenge?

* What makes a lesson become a here-and-now experience?

* What kind of materials will do the trick?

* Students can rely on their group for support? Is there anybody, any support group that lends you an ear when you are having trouble with your students or your syllabus?


Clinic: an occasion on which a professional person gives advice and training. This is what the English Teaching Clinic is all about. A coaching clinic for young (and not so young) English teachers.


New dates.

Second Teaching Clinic.

* Session 1   Saturday, August 28

Grammar with a twist: personalized grammar, awareness-raising activities, grammar dictation, using questions creatively

* Session 2   Saturday, September 18

Session 3   Saturday, September 25

Materials potpourri: jokes, stories, poems, comics, mini-sagas, lateral thinking problems, paintings and photographs

* Session 4   Saturday, October 9

How to put it all together

Fees: 60$ (Sessions1+2+3+4), 20$ each session


Description: Each session will consist of a 2-hour training Workshop+ a 30-minute Counselling Session. Participants will be able to put forward problem areas in their everyday teaching practice to be discussed by the group and may e-mail their problems in advance to better organize the Counselling session

25 vacancies.

Lecturers: Martha Crespo, Cristina Speranza

Enrolment: at least 7 days in advance.

Venue: Feedback - Güemes 3915. Time: From 9 am to 11.30 am.

Information: 4831 0532 -   -   






Our dear SHARER Ximena Faralla invites us to enjoy two plays by her company:



Join Aladdin and Jasmine in their search for what is essential but often invisible to the eye. Mostly enjoyed by ages 7 to 12.


Date: Wednesday, September 1st - Time: 2pm

Ticket: $6


Hänsel & Gretel

Enjoy our yummy 30 minute play for kindergarten and EGB 1. Mostly enjoyed by ages 3 to 9.


Date: Friday, September 17th - Time: 2pm

Ticket: $5


All shows written, adapted and directed by Ximena Faralla

All music & songs by Julián Vidal

All shows at "UPeBe Theatre" - Ciudad de la Paz 1972, Belgrano.

Limited seats! Bookings & info: 4568-7125 /  



Do you remember the quotation we ended our last issue with?

“If there’s righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character. If there’s beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. When there is order in each nation, there will be peace in the world.”

Well, our dear SHARER Cecilia Barle found it was Confucius who had written it.

In turn, she sent us this beautiful quotation by Mahatma Ghandi:


The things that will destroy us are:

politics without principle;

pleasure without conscience;

wealth without work;

knowledge without character;

business without morality;

science without humanity,

and worship without sacrifice.




Omar and Marina.



SHARE is distributed free of charge. All announcements in this electronic magazine are also absolutely free of charge. We do not endorse any of the services announced or the views expressed by the contributors.  For more information about the characteristics and readership of SHARE visit:
VISIT OUR WEBSITE : There you can read all past  issues of SHARE in the section SHARE ARCHIVES.

