An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac (c)
Year 2          Number 27      June 25th    2000
Monday evening. I know this is probably going to be the shortest SHARE ever. But there are reasons for this . I came back home at around 11.30 last night from that unforgettable International Congress that the Lola Mora organized in
Tucumán. It was Father´s Day and my two sons Martin and Sebas and Marina were waiting for me for a very late night celebration. Predictably enough, nobody went to bed early and still more predictably nobody got up early enough today to complete SHARE today...
I wrote that on Monday 19th , exactly 6 days ago today. And I was right : that was going to be the shortest SHARE ever. So short it never existed : That issue of SHARE never saw the light of day (or rather the dark of night) for at around 20:00 hours when I had finished "hammering" SHARE on the keys of my computer keyboard ( that by then were starting to feel like an old "Remington") and my two sons pounced on the computer to start sending SHARE to you. It was then and there that something went fatally wrong with our e-mail directory. As we had told you, it had been growing up to a figure well over 3,000 and even when we thought we kept it reasonably well organized , probably it was not. To cut a long story short we tried to fix it all through the week. Yesterday our computer whizz-kid, Bernieh spent all afternoon fixing the last details. Conclusion (1) : we only lost 29 e-mail addresses ( which given the circumstances was a real miracle). The addresses were those of 29 people whose first name starts with an "A" . We can only hope they write to us soon. There is no other way for us to know  who they were. 
Conclusion (2) This will be very special issue of SHARE with features of last week´s issue and some new features (especially news) from this week. We apologize to all those who sent their information to be published last week and which has dated since and been therefore not included in this SHARE 27
1.- Every Sunday is Father´s Day. 
2.- Special Gifts for Father´s Day.
3.- Licenciatura en Inglés in Lomas de Zamora.  
4.- From ETp: Looking at Students´Mistakes (2nd Round)
5.- A reply to "Looking at Students´Mistakes"
6.- Omar "Rocks" Lincoln
7.- On the Lighter side : Jokes from Mar del Plata.     
8.- Teacher Development with Macmillan Heinemann.
9.- A Cowboy in New York 
10- News from URUTESOL 
11- The Answer to a Logic Problem  
12- Practitioner´s Certificate in NLP 
13- APIBA SIG´s in July. 
14- Training Courses for Women.
We often hear phrases like "there shouldn´t be such a thing as a Father´s Day" . "Everyday should be Father´s Day". Between you and me : We always thought it was good to isolate one "special" day to pay "special" tribute to Father, Mother, Children, Grannies, Trees, Animals, (Is there a Mother-in-Law´s Day ? Somebody suggesting April 29th ?   I think that is already taken ) . But this time the cliché : " any day is as good any other to celebrate Father´s Day "  seems to fit our present circumstances perfectly.
Happy Father´s Day to all our SHARER fathers and to the daddys and husbands of all our lady SHARERS (even if a week delayed).
Let us start the celebration with this poem that a dear SHARER ,Carolina Rodriguez, sent us from Catamarca.

By David Lewin

On Father's Day each father plans
A morning of sleeping late.
But on his day, Dad finds that he
Just can't sleep in past eight.

On Father's Day it's hammock time.
Pile on newspapers galore
And please don't worry if I doze,
Dig me out by half-past four.

On Father's Day that dirty car
Will not be washed by me.
Let Mom and the children do the job,
While I laze beneath a tree.

On Father's Day the kids all think
Dad probably needs a tie.
But I just want a hug and kiss
(And maybe a new hi-fi).

On Father's Day the household chores—
Well, I refuse to do 'em.
The lawn, the trash, the dishes?
Let Daddy snooze right through 'em.

On Father's Day the ballpark calls—
Baseball, the bleachers, the sun.
While Dad is off fetching the snacks...
Crack! Hey, was that a home run?

Father's Day ends with story time,
The highlight of Dad's fun day.
We cuddle up, the kids and I,
Without them it's just Sunday.


Our dear neighbours and SHARERS Liliana and Patricia Orsi from "Rainbow
Practical Language Teaching" sent me this Father´s Day greeting by Collin Mc Carty . Thank you, girls ! I wish you and ALL our fellow-SHARES the same :

May These Special Gifts Come Your Way
Happiness. Deep down within.
Serenity. With each sunrise.
Success. In each facet of your life.
Close and caring friends.
Love. That never ends.
Special memories. Of all the yesterdays.
A bright today. With much to be thankful for.
A path. That leads to beautiful tomorrows.
Dreams. That do their best to come true.
And appreciation. Of all the wonderful things about you.
A dear friend and SHARER, Anne Jordan, Head of the English Department at Instituto Superior del Profesorado "Pbro Dr. Antonio Saenz" del Obispado de Lomas de Zamora sends us this piece of information about the Licenciatura en
Inglés that will be taught on the premises of that Institution through an agreement with the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, which will issue the degrees
of Licenciado according to the provisions of the Higher Education Act.
Marco Normativo y Objetivo
Ley Federal de Educación N° 24195 
Ley de Educación Superior N° 24.521 y sus Decretos Reglamentarios
Acuerdos Marco CFCyE en especial  el Documento A-14 sobre la Transformación Gradual y Progresiva de la Formación Docente Continua,
Resolución C.S. N° 80/98 de  la Universidad Nacional del Litoral
El Ciclo de Licenciatura en Inglés  a través de la implementación de una estructura curricular apropiada  permitirá a los actuales Profesores apropiarse de saberes que completen su formación de grado.
Perfil del Egresado 
El Licenciado en Inglés tendrá las competencias obtenidas de la profundización de los saberes que lo acrediten como tal, adquiriendo capacidades para la producción de conocimientos ligados a su campo disciplinar y optimizando su aptitud docente  para el ejercicio en el nivel superior.
Requisitos de ingreso
Poseer título de Profesor o Traductor de Inglés de Nivel Terciario No Universitario de carrera de duración no menor de 4 años.
Estructura del Plan de Estudios
El Ciclo comprende once asignaturas más Tesina y tiene una duración de tres cuatrimestres.
Primer Cuatrimestre   
Taller de Desarrollo de Competencias Académicas 
Epistemología  (en Español)
Teorías Lingüísticas Contemporáneas I 
Adquisición del Lenguaje
Segundo Cuatrimestre
Lengua Materna y Lengua Extranjera ( En Inglés y Español)
Lingüística Antropológica  (en Español)
Taller de Metodología de la Investigación ( en Inglés)
Tercer Cuatrimestre   
Seminario de Lengua Extranjera
Teorías Lingüísticas Contemporáneas I
Comunicación Intercultural (En Español)
Seminario con opcionalidad : (A) Didáctica Específica
                                           (B) Desarrollo Profesional
Arancel $ 2000 (Consultar financiación)  Modalidad : Presencial 
Regimen de Cursado Quincenal. Viernes y Sábados .
Lugar de Cursado Instituto Superior del Profesorado “ Pbro. Sáenz” –
Sáenz 740.  Lomas de Zamora. Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Inscripción : del 26 de junio al 4 de agosto de 2000. 
I.S.P. “Pbro. Sáenz”. (011) 42928941- 42448827- 154 9710719.
(0342) 4575105 int.121. Fax: (0342) 4575105 int.120.
Inicio de Clases : 18 de Agosto de 2000. 
It is a real pleasure for Marina and me to announce these very good news for the ELT community of Buenos Aires. Our town, Lomas de Zamora, will certainly be honoured to host such a prestigious course of studies. Sincere congratulations to Anne and the Profesorado "Saenz" and to Ana Maria Armendariz, the local coordinato, both of them dear friends and SHARERS.  
Dear Omar

If you remember last week I referred to one of my favourite articles in
ENGLISH TEACHING professional, Michael Swan's "Seven bad reasons for teaching grammar ... and two good ones" which was published in April 1998 (issue 7).

In this article he referred to an experiment in which mistakes made by Greek
secondary-school children were shown to Greek teachers of English, and
British non-teachers, and members of each group graded the mistakes on a
scale from 1 (least serious) to 5 (most serious).

The sentences were:

1. * We agreed to went by car.
2. * We didn't knew what happened.
3. * Dizzys from the wine we decided to go home.
4. * The people are too many so and the cars are too many.
5. * The bus was hit in front of.
6. * There are many accidents because we haven't brought (broad) roads.

How serious did SHARERS judge these mistakes to be? If you haven't graded
them yet, why not take a moment to do this before reading on ...

In the experiment the answers were as follows ...

Greek teachers graded the seriousness of the mistakes thus:
1. 4.6
2. 4.4
3. 4.2
4. 3.0
5. 2.6
6. 2.4

In other words they thought: < *We agreed to went by car. > was a much more
serious error than < *There are many accidents because we haven't brought
(broad) roads. >

Compare this with the British non-teachers - and I think it's probably more
important that they were NON-teachers rather than that they were British:

1. 2.2
2. 1.8
3. 2.1
4. 4.3
5. 4.3
6. 4.1

In other words the answers were dramatically different and what teachers
(Greek) and non-teachers (British) thought serious or not serious did not
correlate at all!

What does this experiment tell us? Perhaps before supplying another extract
from ENGLISH TEACHING professional (and adding to your ever-lengthening
newsletter!) I should wait for some answers. Anyone who wants to can email me

With best wishes from London
One of the most respected names in the ELT scene in our country and a young and talented SHARER, Viviana Valenti from Rosario reacts to Nicolas´s last week posting (sorry ! his posting two weeks ago) :
Dear Sharers,
I want to make some comments on ¨Looking at Students´ Mistakes.
We, teachers, have to be very careful when dealing with mistakes. To start with, we must remember the difference between ¨mistakes¨ and ¨errors¨. The former have to do with performance. They can be said to be ¨lapses¨. The latter have to do with compentence  and  are overt manifestations of our learners ´systems of the language (or of our own). Remember that learning a foreign language implies a long process during which a kind of language (¨interlanguage¨) starts to develop. Interlanguage will gradually approximate the language spoken by a native speaker. In the meantime, the students will give signs of development through what we wrongly call ¨mistakes¨.  Thus, errors account for those internal processes that allow interlanguage to develop.
At this point , and after this brief theoretical explanation, we can say that Example 6 can be considered a mistake (as differentiated from error) which shows that the student has simply mistaken one word for another. It is a kind of ¨lapse¨
All the other examples are different. They contain signs of development of the students´ interlanguage. We cannot consider ¨errors¨ to be more serious than ¨mistakes¨ as they are essentially different in nature. In other words, the ¨so-called mistakes¨ show the extent to which our students are making an effort to construct an internal system of the language.
When is a ¨mistake¨ serious, then? Only when you detect that it is becoming ¨fossilized¨, i.e. when the student keeps on making the same mistake even though he has done hundreds of exercises , he has had plenty opportunities to practise orally  or has been repeatedly corrected by the teacher or his peers. Just think of your own students who, after seven or eight years of studying English, still drop the Present Simple third person singular ¨s¨.
I do not think that we can classify ¨mistakes¨ along a serious-not serious continuum because this is not how it works. It is more important to know about the different sources that can give rise to mistakes. We can mention four of them:
- transfer from the native language (L1) or interlingual errors
- overgeneralizations withing the foreign language (L2) or intralingual errors
- interlanguage errors (rules that the students themselves create in their minds and that cannot be transferred from L1 or overgeneralized from rules in L2.
- induced errors originated in the way the teacher is overemphasizing or dealing with a certain aspect of the language
Taking all this into account, the errors that are generally more difficult to erradicate are those which are due to transfer from L1 or which have been created by the students themselves. But remember that in all the cases, more than being worried about them, you should see them as signs of mental activity. ¨Errors" should be considered as "intelligent mistakes" (here I am using the term ¨mistakes¨ in its general sense). 
When should you become worried? I think this is a better question. The important thing is that you act before errors become practically impossible to erradicate. Good consciousness raising techniques and effective corrective feedback are the main tools we, teacher, have at hand.
If you want to continue this discussion you can contact me at
Best Wishes from Rosario
Viviana Valenti
Thank you, Vivi for such an authoritative contribution. Our best wishes to you and your beautiful family ! We will be looking forward to hearing from you soon.  

Omar will be presenting his Seminar "THE NEW ROCK ´N POP IN THE ENGLISH CLASSROOM 2000" with more than 40 different techniques to exploit rock and pop hits for English language teaching in Lincoln, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Here are the details :

Date & Time : Saturday 8th of July 9:00 to 12:30 hours

Venue : Hotel Impala - Sarmiento 900 (esq. Guemes)

Fee : $ 10  Registration :  02355-42-2220 / 42-3018 (evenings) 
e-mail :    

At the end of the seminar, Omar will conduct a micropresentation (30 minutes) of his series POLIMODAL ENGLISH and Macmillan Heinemann ELT will present each participant with a copy of the textbook.

A dear SHARER from Mar del Plata, Carlitos "Charlie" Capelli, sends us this gust of Atlantic fresh air packed in these jokes for a refreshing pause in our working week or to SHARE with our students :   
Upon entering a little country store, the stranger noticed a sign saying "DANGER! BEWARE OF DOG!" posted on the door glass.
Inside, he noticed a harmless old hound dog asleep on the floor near the cash register. He asked the store's owner "Is that the dog folks are supposed to beware of?"
"Yep," the proprietor answered, "That's him."
The stranger couldn't help being amused. "That certainly doesn't look like a dangerous dog to me," he chuckled. "Why in the world did you decide to post that sign?"
"Because," the owner replied, "before I posted that sign, people kept tripping over him." 
"You're in incredibly fine condition," the doctor concluded after finishing a thorough physical. "How old did you say you were, sir?"
"Seventy-eight! Why, you have the health of a sixty-year-old. What's your secret?"
"I guess, Doc, it's due to a pact the wife and I made when we got married. She promised that if she was ever about to lose her temper, she'd stay in the kitchen 'till she cooled off. And I pledged that when I got angry I'd keep quiet, too, and
go outside until I calmed down."
"I don't understand," said the doctor, "How could that help you stay so fit?"
"Well, the patient explained, "I guess you could say I've lived an outdoor life."
Macmillan Heinemann announces two Teacher Development Seminars to be taught by Prof. Omar Villarreal in two different cities in the province of Buenos Aires : 

Date & Time : Saturday 1st of July 10:00 to 12:30 hours

Venue : Biblioteca "Sarmiento" - Calle Alvear 9 , Chascomús

Registration :  Alicia Galay   02241- 423130 - e-mail : or in Dolores with Raquel Gimenez (Centro de Estudiantes Profesorado de Inglés
de Dolores)
Admission : FREE   

Date & Time : Tuesday 11th of July 10:00 to 12:30 hours

Venue : Escuela Normal - Calle Nuñez 1375 , Bragado

Registration :  Adriana Echeverría :  02342- 421487 - e-mail : or in the evenings 02342- 422351
Admission : FREE   
There will be a raffle of major Macmillan Heinemann titles at the end of each event.
Question: Is it true that the word "cowboy" did NOT originate in the American West?
I don't want you to think that I'm not shootin' straight with you. The first use of the term cow-boy (it was originally hyphenated) was in England. In the 18th century it simply described a young boy who tended to the cows. The rough and
tough adult cow-boy, however, does originate on American soil. But not where you might think. Even at the time of the American Revolution, what is now the
upscale New York City suburb of Westchester County was hardly part of the wide open spaces. It always had more crabgrass than sagebrush. And the only place it was ever west of was New England. But back then it was the home of many loyalists, or Tories, who sided with the British against the revolting
colonists. Among the toughest were the guerilla fighters who signaled their attacks by ringing cowbells, from which they got the name cowboys. Yahoo !!

(Source: I HEAR AMERICA TALKING by Stuart B. Flexner)
Find this book and other products at the best stores online.  

Our dear friend and SHARER , Gabriel Diaz Maggioli, sends us this update on
the TESOL Academy in Uruguay and the URUTESOL Convention to be held in the first and second week of July in Montevideo . Here are the details :  
TESOL Academy at Centro de Capacitación y Perfeccionamiento Docente, Montevideo -
JULY 8 - 9, 2000
Alejandra Pron (Argentina) on Content Based Instruction in an EFL setting 
Natalie Kuhlman (University of California, San Diego) on Standards-Based Assessment 
Jo Ann Aebersold (University of Michigan) on Improving Reading Comprehension 
Fee : U$ 169 up to June 30, U$ 209 on site
UruTESOL Convention at Club Uruguay, Montevideo
JULY 10 - 12, 2000
Presenters from UK, USA, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay 
Plenaries, Workshops, Papers, Poster sessions and Colloquia 
Topics: teacher education, reading, ESP, brain-based learning, critical thinking, divers!ty voices, memory and learning, affect, teacher development. 
Fee: U$ 30 up to June 30, U$ 50 on site
Gabriel, URUTESOL President, , writes :
"For those of you coming from abroad, pack an umbrella and warm clothes. Winter has arrived in the Southern hemisphere and it is already very cold. Also, bring your camera. Montevideo is beautiful in winter and our convention premises could not be better. We are hosting the 2000 convention at Club Uruguay, a belle epoque social club which still has its turn-of-the-century flair. You will be in the centre of the Old Quarter in town. Our 1830 Constitution was proclaimed from the balcony of the adjoining Old Town Hall across from the Cathedral. You will also be able to see the fountain which provided colonial Montevideo with drinking water and many other picturesque sites.We look forward to seeing you in Montevideo in July !
Gabriel can be contacted at the General Inspectorate of Secondary Education (Uruguay 907, 1er. piso-- Tel: 900 5044 x 205/206)
In connected news, The Presentations Review Committee has accepted Omar´s proposal for his presentation :
The Power and the Glory


An analysis of the the predominant sets of beliefs and shortcomings of  English Language Teacher Education in our region over the last 25 years and a critical evaluation of the prevalent models for Teacher Education and Development at the dawn of the third millennium. 



You might well remember the logic challenge our dear SHARER from Brazil, John F. Anderson ( Mr English )  sent us which was published in SHARE 25 . For the benefit of the very new SHARERS , here it goes again
1.- There are 5 houses of 5 different colours
2.- In each house there is a person from a different country
3.- Five owners, each drink a different sort of drink; different kind of cigarette and has different pets.
THE QUESTION :  Who has a fish ?


The English man lives in the red house;
The Swedish man has a dog;
The Danish man drinks Tea;
The Norwegian man lives in the first house;
The German smokes Prince;
The green house stands by the white one, on the left;
The owner of the green house drinks coffee;
The man who smokes Pall Mall has a bird;
The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill;
The man who lives in the middle house drinks milk;
The man who smokes Blends lives side by side of the man who has a cat;
The man who has a horse lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill;
The man who smokes Bluemaster drinks beer;
The man who smokes Blends is the man who drinks water's next door neighbour;
The Norwegian lives side by side of the blue house. 
House            Color      Animal    Drink       Cigarette      Nationality
 1                  Yellow    Cat         Water     Dunhill          Norwegian
 2                  Blue       Horse     Tea          Blends           Danish
 3                  Red        Birds      Milk        Pall Mall       English
 4                  Green     Fish        Coffee     Prince           German
 5                  White     Dog        Beer        Bluemaster    Swedish
The German owns the FISH !

By the way, have you visited Mr English ´s homepage :
By the way (2) : What is the pronunciation of "Pall Mall" ? 
Our very dear SHARERS, Laura Szmuch and Jamie Duncan have very good news
for all of us :

We hope the year has been treating you kindly so far. We have certainly been busy enjoying our new courses and celebrating with our recent graduates. Congratulations to Elsa Bengardino, Gustavo Paz, Graciela Marchetti, Lilly Spillman, Maria Laura De Toro and Mercedes Bruno on their excellent performances in the final evaluations for the Practitioners Certificate. Well done to you all!

Our e-mail this time is also to announce some upcoming events.

Come and find out more about NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and its applications to teaching. This one hour talk will take place on Saturday 8 July at 10.00am, and will include information on our Practitioner Certificate course as well as a general introduction to the topic. Please call or mail us to reserve your place.

Enrolments are now being taken for a new Practitioner's Certificate in NLP course, which will start on Saturday August 26. The course consists of 110 hours and is divided into 12 eight-hour modules plus two evaluation modules upon completion of the course. It will be held monthly on Saturdays in Capital Federal.

This course and the workshop will be held at: Gallardo 719 Dto 2, Versailles, Capital Federal.

With all our best wishes,

Jamie and Laura

For further information contact:Laura Szmuch 4641-9068 (tel/fax), or Jamie Duncan 4431-7582 (tel),

Our dear SHARER and hyperactive APIBA Liason Officer, Analia Kandel, sends us this update of the forthcoming meetings of their Special Interest Groups :
*Phonetics / Phonology SIG* 
Co-ordinators: Roxana Basso - Isabel Santa
Date: Saturday, July 1 -- Time: 9 to 11.30
Venue: IES en Lenguas Vivas "J.R.Fernandez", Room 17 
1.-How to raise phonological awareness in adult learners ( Clem Duran )
2. Mapping the computer keyboard to use the phonetic fonts followed by laptop practice (workshop led by Graciela Moyano)
3. Tackling common errors at an advanced level.
*Literature SIG*
Co-ordinators:  María Valeria Artigue - Alfredo Jaeger
Date: Saturday, July 1 -- Time: 10 - 12.45
Venue: Cnel. Diaz 1747, Buenos Aires
1. Debate on topics presented in previous meeting: (i) The Origins of Literature, (ii) Which Literature?, (iii) Language through Literature? Language and Literature? Literature through Language?
2. All SIG members will bring examples of different types of texts (i.e. old, classic and modern) in order to put the theory discussed in Part 1 into practice.
*Language SIG* 
Co-ordinators: Viviana Myslicki - Daniel Reznik
Date: Saturday, July 8 -- Time: 10 - 13
Venue: Cultural Inglesa de Buenos Aires, Viamonte 1475, Buenos Aires
1. Exploring language through video. Analysis of the language contents of a video segment / ways in which the video material could be best exploited.
2. Debate: Language Learning / Teaching: a) which English to learn / teach; b) the hidden curriculum; c) needs analysis.
*Business SIG*
Co-ordinators: Virginia López Grisolía - Alicia Perera
Date: Tuesday, July 11 -- Time: 10.30 - 12.30
Venue: Interaction Language Studio, Av. L.N. Alem 424 - P.B., Buenos Aires 
1. Presentation of main economic theories: Adam Smith (by Malala Fox); David Ricardo (by Silvia Tubio); John M. Keynes (by Ana Maria Bergel); Milton Friedman (by Claudia Palmieri); Robert Lucas (by Alicia Perera)
2. Definition of key economic terms: inflation (by Maria Ines Gallego); recession (by Daniel Carballedo); employment (by Karina Gimenez)
3. Presentation of a video on the U.S. Federal Reserve (by Virginia Lopez Grisolia)
*History / Civilisation SIG*
Co-ordinators: Cristina Bardeci - Paula Lopez Cano
Date: Thursday, July 13 -- Time: 19 to 21
Venue: IES en Lenguas Vivas "J.R.Fernandez",  Room 17
1. Methods of assessment in the History classroom (Raymond Day)
2. Internet resources for History teachers
3. Review of teaching materials / resources for the History classroom. SIG members will bring (a) (text)book(s) / article(s) and comment on them.
Fees and Registration
Paid-up members of APIBA or other FAAPI Associations, and teacher trainees can participate free of charge( proof of status required)  All others: $10  per session. Enrolment is no essential, but it is desirable. If at all possible, those interested in participating in SIG meetings please e-mail to confirm their attendance. Those who can't confirm, please come anyway.
For more general information on APIBA, e-mail 
A new SHARER from Resistencia, Chaco,Maria Isabel Rodriguez (Chabela) sends us lots of love and this message to SHARE :
Reflect on this :

Women think they already know everything, but courses are now available for women on the following subjects:

1. Silence, the Final Frontier: Where No Woman Has Gone Before
2. The Undiscovered Side of Banking: Making Deposits
3. Parties: Going Without New Outfits
4. Man Management: Minor Household Chores Can Wait Till After Football
5. Bathroom Etiquette I: Men Need Space in the Bathroom Cabinet Too
6. Bathroom Etiquette II: His Razor is His
7. Communication Skills I: Tears - The Last Resort, not the First
8. Communication Skills II: Thinking Before Speaking
9. Communication Skills III: Getting What you Want without Nagging
10. Driving a Car Safely: A Skill You CAN Acquire
11. Telephone Skills: How to Hang Up
12. Introduction to Parking
13. Advanced Parking: Backing Into a Space
14. Cooking I: Bringing Back Bacon, Eggs and Butter
15. Cooking II: Bran and Tofu are Not for Human Consumption
16. Cooking III: How not to Inflict Your Diets on Other People
17. Compliments: Accepting Them Gracefully
18. Dancing: Why Men Don't Like To
19. Classic Clothing: Wearing Outfits You Already Have
20. Household Dust: A Harmless Natural Occurrence Only Women Notice
21. Integrating Your Laundry: Washing It All Together
22. Oil and Gas: Your Car Needs Both
23. TV Remotes: For Men Only.
Thank you, Chabela for your contribution and your sense of humour... We can only pray our lady SHARERS have plenty of this basic ingredient too.

All in all it was a strange week. No SHARE on Sunday for a start. But, GEE !! Isn´t it great to feel so many people missed SHARE ! We are are very proud of the piles of messages we received this week asking about SHARE . Is pride a bad feeling ? We do not think it is, in so far as it does not get mixed up with vanity. 
This is probably a strange issue of SHARE. We had to cut and paste a lot to rewrite an already finished issue. We doubted whether to include anything at all about Father´s Day (it was only last week but it seems ages ! ) : But then..
Two or three things before we say goodbye :  Marina would like to dedicate this issue of SHARE to her father, Omar would like to dedicate this isuue to
his father who has been in Heaven for 12 years with BIGGEST FATHER OF THEM ALL and Martin and Sebas would like to dedicate this issue to Omar. 
We also wanted to tell you that this will be a very special week in our family : Friday 30th of June is Omar´s birthday and Saturday 1st of July is Sebas´s twelfth birthday (Notice Omar keeps on concealing his age).
Finally, as usual we would like a dear SHARER to close this issue.  This time it is
Bethina Viale from Rosario . She writes :
Dear Omar and Marina,
I loved this quatation by Norman Lear. So I'm sharing it with you. ;-)
Lots of love,
"Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don’t collect all of these tiny successes, the big ones don’t really mean anything ".
Omar and Marina
As from this issue of SHARE, e-maiI addresses will be withheld, unless the people or institutions concerned explicitly express in their postings to us their wish to have their electronic address published.
If a friend wishes to receive this page tell him or her to send an e-mail to us with his or her details.
We love to hear from the people wih whom we SHARE but for subscription purposes NAME and CITY are enough. All other details are welcome. 
SHARE is distributed free of charge. All announcements in this electronic magazine are
also absolutely free of charge. We do not endorse any of the services announced.