An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac ©


Year 3                                   Number 69                    May  25th  2002



Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being SHARED





Dark and cold morning. Now as we finish putting this issue together cold afternoon. But it is warm inside. And we can assure you much warmer in our hearts.

We come back to you once again with renewed faith and enthusiasm. We know you will read us the same way. And “that” makes our hearts even warmer.

Not a word about the terribly hard times we have been having? Yes. Two. Move on. Go ahead. No matter what and count your blessings. Always count your blessings. We do. We tire in the midst of the count. We include each one you, our 5,145 SHARERS in the count!

Let us begin with a beautiful and quite befitting Irish prayer that our dear SHARER, Edith Zas,, sent us:



Always remember to forget

The things that made you sad.

But never forget to remember

The things that made you glad.

Always remember to forget

The friends that proved untrue.

But never forget to remember

Those that have stuck by you.

Always remember to forget

The troubles that passed away.

But never forget to remember

The blessings that come each day.




Omar and Marina.


PS: Oops! We were almost forgetting to tell you that we have moved house. Our Website is now : . Do pay us a visit!  








1.-    Multiple Intelligences and ESP.

2.-    When children learn…

3.-    FAAPI 2002 : Latest News.

4.-    On the Sex of Nouns.

5.-    Vocabulary Wise: Fashion from the 80´s.

6.-    Course on Legal English.

7.-    Workshops in Bahía Blanca.

8.-    Tips for Storytelling.

9.-    London Exams and OUP Competition. 

10-    ALL for Young Learners.

11-    APIBA´S SIGs .

12-    English & Fun Seminar




1.-         MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AND ESP                               


Our very dear friend and SHARER Professor Douglas Andrew Town sends us this contribution which we are honoured to share with all of you. Douglas has a BSc in Psychology and an MA in English Language Teaching as well as a postgraduate Diploma in English and Spanish translation. He has worked for many years as an academic consultant and ESP teacher in Spain. He has also taught English for Academic Purposes at Manchester University and is currently living in Buenos Aires where he was recently invited to give seminars on Academic Writing and Contrastive Linguistics at the University of Belgrano. He has done research in adult learning strategies, second language acquisition and needs analysis.



Multiple Intelligences and ESP


Douglas Town


In recent years, the idea that Gardner's (1983,1993) theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) might contribute something valuable to English Language Teaching in general and ESP in particular by providing a more learner-centered approach to materials design and methodology has become fashionable among teachers and course directors, who are nevertheless at a loss as to how to implement it.


Here is just one enquiry that was published recently in an ELT journal on the Internet:


"What is the difference between MI theory and the other componential theories of intelligence? After all, they are also multiple.


When we want to apply MI in language teaching, we are neglecting the innatist theories of language, aren't we?


I am currently doing research on the application of MI and CBI, together, to our local ELT syllabus. I try to include all the first 7 intelligences in each unit lesson. But, it is hard to integrate all of them in an experimental setting. Therefore, I try to take care of them one by one. How much do you think this detracts from the validity of my work?"


This enquiry is perhaps typical of those from teachers who succumb to "psychobabble" and fashion, of which MI is one of the most recent, without understanding the implications of what is being put forward.


Firstly, MI is not a theory of first or second language acquisition although it is "innatist" (i.e. nativist) in the sense that it attempts to explain how learning in different areas is facilitated or hindered by (supposedly) innate individual differences (ID's) in brain physiology. Nor is MI a theory of learning style. It does not state that different learners acquire the same skills in different ways, simply that different people learn the same things at different rates.


Secondly, not all componential theories of intelligence are nativist. For example, Sternberg's (1984) model of analogical reasoning, which explains ID's in IQ scores in terms of the different amounts of time that individuals spent on encoding analogies, makes no such claim. On the contrary, Sternberg and his associates have shown that people's scores on IQ tests improve with training (Richardson, 1994).


Thirdly, this teacher, who claims to be  "doing research on the application of MI and CBI, together (...) in an experimental setting", obviously does not understand even the basic principles of experimentation and evidence, which would require a researcher to test for the influence of MI and CBI separately in order to establish a baseline before testing them in combination (otherwise, how could he or she know whether learning is enhanced by a combination of the two?).


As I shall show, the whole idea of applying MI theory to ELT is misguided and is based on a misunderstanding of Gardner's theory. Moreover, Gardner's theory is, itself, contentious in the claims it makes about giftedness. But before considering Gardner's theory in more detail, it is worth clarifying the notion of "learning style".


The emphasis on adapting teaching materials and methods to the preferred learning styles of different learners has, of course, been around for a long time. Learning style is a broad concept that attempts to encompass the totality of psychological functioning as this affects learning (Willing 1988) and can be seen as the interaction of personality -   i.e. a person's motivations and habitual cognitive, emotional and behavioural responses to the environment -   with cognitive style, which refers typically to a person's preferred modality of information processing (kinaesthetic, visual or auditory).


However, problems arise when we attempt to define personality or cognitive style in terms of fixed, inherited traits or characteristics., or to classify people into types. There is a large body of research that shows that at, any given time in their lives, people sometimes react quite differently in different situations (the Person-Situation Debate) while the whole question of  personality continuity and change over time is fraught with difficulties. Similarly, concepts of  cognitive style based on perception take no account of the role of social and metacognitive strategies, which can be learnt (see Brown and Palincsar, 1982).


What, then, does Gardner's theory actually say?


Although avoiding the mechanistic nature of componential theories such as those of Fodor (1993), Gardner's (1983, 1993) theory of MI suggests quite clearly that there are discrete information processing operations within the cognitive/neurobiological system that deal with specific kinds of information. Thus, there are separate intelligences or "modules" that deal with musical, mathematical, kinesthetic or interpersonal information independently of one another.


Among these different "modules" Gardner includes verbal / linguistic intelligence, which does not, by definition, interact with other modules, although it passes on the products of linguistic processing to a central processor.


Within such a theory there is no way in which different activities can directly influence language acquisition.


Now, the irony is that those who defend the idea of a separate linguistic intelligence and hence - by default -   the notion that language acquisition is radically different from other types of skill acquisition, forget that this theory originated with Chomsky, who also claimed that the brain is "hard-wired" for learning language (remember Chomsky's LAD - Language Acquisition Device?). However, Chomsky (1965) also claimed that, as a result, the type of input a learner received was almost irrelevant.


Consequently, if we accept any "strong" form of Gardner's theory, then MI approaches to language learning are nonsense. We might just as well claim that ballet enthusiasts will solve algebra equations more efficiently if they are encouraged to dance around the blackboard or that keen linguists will develop a better sense of pitch if given songs to sing in their favourite foreign language. Indeed, proponents of task-based approaches to language learning point out that while easier tasks tend to lead to more fluent speech, more complex tasks result in less fluent but more complex and accurate production, which would seem to imply that students do not have to be good at a particular activity to benefit from it linguistically.


Of course, most ESP teachers already know this from personal experience.

How many times does a teacher find that CFO's, who deal with figures in English on a daily basis and who obviously have a high degree of mathematical intelligence in Gardner's sense of the term, continue to come out with mistakes such as * "fifteen millions of pesos / dollars" even at intermediate level, while Human Resources Managers, accustomed to dealing with people in their own language, find  it more difficult to make small talk than to discuss more technical matters such as downsizing, out-sourcing and other aspects of company policy.


On the other hand, if we merely wish to say that people develop - or fail to develop - different talents for reasons that may or may not have anything to do with the distinctiveness of their genetic make-up (and the whole issue of inherited talent is an extremely contentious one) and that most people enjoy doing what they are good at, then it seems fairly obvious that by encouraging students to do in the foreign language what they enjoy and are good at (singing, solving logic problems or whatever) teachers will motivate students more and get more mileage out of language learning activities.


In the case of ESP students, many activities may not be appropriate - for example, it is unlikely that many corporate managers would feel comfortable singing "Money makes the world go round" in their offices within earshot of their subordinates. However, many ESP learners are motivated by materials that offer intellectual stimulation and the possibility of professional advancement even though the latter is unlikely to materialize in the near future. For example, Hutchinson and Waters (1987) mention an ESP course for nurses that came to life when the focus was changed from nursing to medicine. The reason was that many of the students secretly wanted to become doctors. Thus, teachers would do better to concentrate on getting to know their students as individuals with subjective as well as objective needs instead of trying to fit students into "types"


Here is the crux of the matter: the problem with nativist theories of intelligence is that they lead to stereotyping and self-fulfilling prophesies- weaker students are expected to learn less than stronger students because of their "genetic make-up" rather than because they simply lack the prior knowledge and range of strategies that stronger students have, and so, of course, they learn less.


A further danger is that such theories may serve as a justification for an unbalanced approach to teaching and learning, encouraging fossilization in so-called "social" or "communicative" learners, while so-called "analytical" learners are not challenged enough to get involved in social situations, to take risks, etc.


As mentioned earlier, even Gardner's claim that the rate of learning is mainly determined by genetic factors is contentious. As evidence for his theory, Gardner leans heavily on the selective achievements shown by child prodigies and "idiots savants" (mentally handicapped people with remarkable musical, artistic or mathematical gifts). However, Gardner's theory remains underspecified and there is equally good evidence for the role of environmental factors - and in particular quality instruction -  in the development of giftedness, with the current consensus among psychologists being that giftedness is more about nurture than about nature (Lee 1995).


In conclusion, the main attraction of MI is that it seems to offer teachers a simple framework for understanding differences in language ability and learning style, and a commercial catchphrase or gimmick that can be readily understood (or rather misunderstood) by large sections of the general public. However, the mistake is to assume that simple, ready-made recipes can be "lifted" from psychology and applied in the classroom.





Brown, A.L. and Palincsar A.S. (1982)  "Inducing strategic learning from texts by means of informed self-control", Topics in Learning and Learning Disabilities. Vol. 2, 1 - 17.

Chomsky, N. (1965)  Aspects of a theory of Syntax Cambridge (Ma.): MIT Press

Fodor, J.A. (1983)  The Modularity of Mind. Cambridge (Ma.): MIT Press

Gardner, H. (1983)  Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books.

Gardner, H. (1993)  Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Basic Books.

Hutchinson, T. and Waters, A. (1987) English for Specific Purposes. Cambridge: CUP.

Lee, V. (1996)  ED209 Child Development: Giftedness. The Open University

Richardson, K. (1994) "The Development of Intelligence" in Children's Cognitive and Language Development, (eds.) Lee, V. and Das Gupta, P. The Open University.







Our dear SHARER  Marcela Santa Fé y Soriano from Olivos sent us an encouraging letter and this message, an excellent  “reminder” for both teachers and parents.

Thank you, Marcela for your kind words and keep on sharing. 




When children learn that happiness is not found in what a person has

 but in who that person is,


When they learn that giving and forgiving are more rewarding

than taking and avenging,


When they learn that suffering is not eased by self-pity

but overcome by inner resolve and spiritual strength,


When they learn that they can't control the world around them,

but they are the masters of their own souls,


When they learn that relationships will prosper

 if they value friendship over ego

compromise over pride,

and listening over advising,


When they learn not to hate a person whose difference they fear,

but to fear that kind of hate,


When they learn that there is pleasure in the power of lifting others up,

not in the pseudo-power of pushing them down,


When they learn that praise from others is flattering

but meaningless if it is not matched by self-respect,


When they learn that the value of life is best measured

not by the years accumulating possessions,


but by the moments spent giving of one's self- sharing wisdom,

inspiring hope,

wiping tears

and touching hearts,


When they learn that a person's beauty

is not seen with the eyes

but with the heart,

And that even though time and hardships may ravage one's outer shell,

they can enhance one's character and perspective,


When they learn to withhold judgment of people,

knowing everyone is blessed with good and bad qualities,

and that the emergence of either

often depends on the help given or on the hurt inflicted by others,


When they learn that very person has been given the gift of a unique self,

and the purpose of life is to share the very best of that gift with the world,


When children learn these ideals and

how to practise them in the art of good living,

they will no longer be children.


They will be blessings to those who know them,

and worthy models for all the world.


David L. Weatherford.





3.-         FAAPI 2002 : LATEST NEWS.


Our dear SHARER  Dr. Liliana Anglada from the FAAPI 2002 Organizing Committee has sent us the registration form and the call for papers for the Federation Congress. Both these documents can be obtained at:  


or in the Newsboard Section of our Website :


Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Profesores de Inglés

2002 FAAPI Conference - 19 - 21 September 2002 - Córdoba


The 2002 FAAPI Conference aims to provide a forum for comparing experiences and sharing ideas of interest in the fields of EFL methodology, curriculum development and technology applied to EFL instruction.. Specifically, this year's conference will provide an opportunity to consider what has been achieved and what new directions are available on issues such as:


* EFL Methodology

* Schools curricula at the EGB and Polimodal levels

* Teacher Education curricula

* ESP curricula

* International examinations curricula

* Bilingual education curricula

* Literature and culture in the EFL curriculum

* The place of technology in the  EFL curriculum


This three-day event will promote the discussion of theoretical and practical issues related to the development of curricula favouring an integrated, interdisciplinary model.

It is important for us ELT professionals to avail ourselves of this forum for the reflection upon the multiplicity of aspects involved in curriculum design and the discussion of   the diversity of available models in order to critically select the best

possible options for our regional needs.

Renowned specialists in ELT will be giving plenary talks, leading workshops and delivering papers at this most important event.


For further information, please contact the Conference Office:Telefax 0351 - 427 0022  -






Our dear SHARER Gerardo Lafferiere from Comodoro Rivadavia sent us this most interesting tongue-in-cheek contribution. He writes:


“From the Washington Post Style Invitation, in which it was postulated that
English should have male and female nouns, and readers were asked to assign
a gender to nouns of their choice and explain their reason.

The best submissions:

Swiss Army Knife -- male, because even though it appears useful for a wide
variety of work, it spends most of its time just opening bottles.

Kidneys-- female, because they always go to the bathroom in pairs.

tire-- male, because it goes bald and often is over-inflated.

Hot air baloon-- male, because to get it to go anywhere you have to light a
fire under it... and of course, there's the hot air part.

Sponges -- female, because they are soft and squeezable and retain water.

Web Page -- female, because it is always getting hit on.

Shoe -- male, because it is usually unpolished, with its tongue hanging out.

Ziploc Bags -- male, because they hold everything in, but you can always see
right through them.

Subway -- male, because it uses the same old lines to pick people up.

Hourglass -- female, because over time, the weight shifts to the bottom.

Hammer -- male, because it hasn't evolved much over the last 5,000 years,
but it's handy to have around.

Remote Control -- female...Ha! thought I'd say male.  But consider, it
gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he doesn't always
know the right buttons to push, he keeps trying.”


5.-         VOCABULARY WISE: FASHION OF THE 80´S                   


Our dear SHARER  and friend  Angeles Durante wants to share this list of clothes and accessories from the 80´s with all of us. Many of our SHARERS might have first-hand experience of these words. Others might have been tiny little babies at the time but might have heard about them anyway. Is twenty years all that much? Does fashion change so rapidly and abruptly?


Women's Hair:


* Feathered Hair

* Rave, tons of it

* Stick-up bangs (the Claw)

* Multicolored

* Crimped

* Side Ponytails

* Ultra-Teased

* Platinum Blonde

* Glitter

* Multiple Scrunchies

* Ribbon Barettes

* Banana Clips


Men's Hair:


* Rainbow Mohawks

* Long & Layered

* Slightly Teased

* Long

* Frizzy w/Bangs

* Don Johnson

* Curly

* Mullets

* Spikey Hair

* "Bowl" Cut

* Pompadour

* Gerry-Curl


Women's Face:


* Vivid Makeup

* Light Pink Lips

* Glitter

* Colored Mascara

* Blue Eyeshadow

* Beauty Moles

* Lots of Eyeliner

* Bushy Eyebrows


Men's Face:


* Punk Piercings

* Ray-Bans

* Elton John Glasses

* Boy George Makeup


Women's Shirts/Jackets:


* Off-Shoulder Shirts w/ Tanktops

* 3/4 Sleeves

* Crop Tops

* Primary Colors

* Pink Sweater

* Sweater on Waist

* Neon

* Matching Socks

* Thick Belts

* Shoulder Pads

* Long T-Shirts

* Shirts with T-Shirt clips on the side

* Stonewashed Jean Jackets with Safety Pins


Men's Shirts/Jackets:


* Rock Band Shirts

* Frankie Goes to Hollywood

* Black & Neon

* Leather Jackets

* Chains on Leather

* Rolled Sleeves

* Pastel Polos

* Panama Jack T-Shirts

* Members Only Jackets

* Muscle Shirts

* Hypercolor T-Shirts

* Two Shirts

* A Shirt around the Waist


Women's Legs:


* Tight Stonewashed Jeans

* Zippered Legs

* 3/4 Length Leggings

* Legwarmers

* Exercise Gear

* Super Tight Minis

* Colored Hose w/Rips

* Spandex

* Stirrup Pants

* Cowboy Boots

* Pinning Pant Cuffs

* Layered Ruffle Skirts over Leggings

* Layers of Multicolored Socks


Men's Legs:


* Tight Leather Pants

* Bright Colors

* Spandex

* Tight Stonewashed Jeans

* Jammers

* Parachute Pants

* Hightops with Crazy Laces

* Pegged Pants

* White Socks with Stripes at the Top

* Jeans with Big Holes

* Pump-up Hightops


Women's Accessories:


* Clock Necklaces

* Friendship Stuff

* Many Swatches

* Swatch Protectors

* Plastic Charms

* Hoop Earrings

* Slouch Socks

* High Tops

* Puff Paint

* Safety Pins Beads

* Slap Bracelets

* Rubber Bracelets

* Jellies

* Big Hair Bows

* Elastic Belt w/ Clip Buttons

* Snake Arm Band

* Black Scrunchy Boots

* Belts, Belts, Belts - The Thicker the Better

* Twisty Bead Necklaces


Men's Accessories:


* Braces With Color Rubberbands

* Croc Dundee Hats

* Rhinestone Glove

* Brimmed Hats

* Neon Book Covers

* Trapper Keepers

* Wall Watches

* Spiked Wristbands

* Bandannas

* Suspenders

* Shades

* Waist Zipper Pack






Our dear SHARERS from T.S. Eliot Institute in Banfield send us this information on a course on Legal English which incorporates segments that can be taken in a Distance Mode.



Taller Intensivo de Inglés Legal


Presencial y a distancia

Niveles: intermedio y avanzado


Este taller ha sido concebido a fin de brindar a los participantes las herramientas necesarias para manejar terminología y documentos legales fundamentales en idioma inglés. Cada mes se realizará una clase presencial de tres horas de duración y tres clases virtuales eminentemente prácticas, con feedback y contacto con los profesores vía e-mail. Esta modalidad le permitirá a cada participante seguir el desarrollo de su clase independientemente del momento y del lugar en que se encuentre, pudiendo asimismo repasar cada clase con absoluta precisión, y profundizar cualquier tema según su interés en particular.



Orientación. El derecho inglés. La administración de justicia y la profesión legal en los Estados Unidos y en Inglaterra . El proceso judicial civil en los Estados Unidos

Derecho penal.  Derecho de familia. Testamentos. Mandato. Contratos. Ventas

Papeles de comercio. Negociabilidad y transferencia.

Organizaciones comerciales en los Estados Unidos y en Inglaterra



Traductor Público Carlos Pérez Aquino

Titular de la Cátedra de Teoría y Práctica de la Traducción Jurídica y Económica en la U.N.L.P. Socio Benemérito del Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Bs As


Traductora Pública Nora M. Torres

Docente de cursos de postgrado del Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Profesora de Inglés para Comercio Exterior en el Forex Club Argentino desde 1992. Ex-docente del Instituto de Capacitación y ex-miembro del Cuerpo de Traductores del Banco de la Nación Argentina


For further information contact : Tel. /Fax: (011)4202-3672


página web:






A dear SHARER from Bahía Blanca Leticia Yulita is organizing a number of workshops on topics of general interest to be held in Necochea 354, Bahia Blanca. Here is some advance information:


Back by popular demand the Helen Keller Language and Culture Programme presented by Jeremy Goodchild.


A series of all new self-contained workshops on aspects of British language and culture using a mixture of authentic materials, all in  Jem's inimitable style - and a certificate of attendance too.

Just to give you a taste of the topics, this year is Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee. The Royal family is the topic for June in our workshop titled "The Firm" as the Royal Family likes to call itself.


Further details from: Tel. 482 1468 / Fax 453 2751








Our dear SHARER Susan Cantera sent us these “tips” . We are sure all of us can profit from them. Susan runs WAYS – Centro de Servicios en Inglés y Portugués _ in La Plata. Visit her Webpage at :






It´s often not the content which makes the story, but rather the way you tell it that matters.

Your voice is your professional instrument . This is your medium for expressing your message. Make sure it is well-tuned . Warm it up before you tell your story. Practise speaking with warmth. Make your voice interesting and pleasant to listen to.

These are the elements you have available to you: volume, pitch, speed , timbre , stress , rhythm---and silence .

They all contribute to the story by communicating interest and enthusiasm- or boredom, incomprehension and no concern for the listener.

Stop and practise using your voice right now. Try saying the word "yes" in as many different ways as possible.

Try saying sentences in different ways and note what voice elements you employ and what emotions they might communicate.



Your body is part of your storytelling equipment too.. Personally, I divide the use of body language into four areas :


Expressing the relationship between teller and listener.

Different postures and different body movements create different relationships with listeners


The neutral narrator

I find it useful to adopt a neutral position. I usually sit with my body slightly leaning forwards ,my feet directly beneath my knees and slightly on my toes, my hands not holding each other .

From this position I can easily move into and out of the other body language types: I can stand and be a protagonist, and sit again to be the neutral narrator.


Communicating the physical qualities and position of an object.

In the story there is a box on the floor . Can the listeners see it and feel it by the way you move your body and hands and by your facial expression? Practise indicating there is a small box, a much bigger box, a door, a hand-mirror, a baby, a dog- and then anything appropriate to the story you are going to tell.


Expressing abstract ideas and the feelings of a protagonist

As a narrator you might say, " He came into the kitchen slowly, very slowly" At the same time you can act out the movements of the protagonist- possibly by moving around, but also standing on the spot , or even while still sitting down.

At the same time , your voice can communicate the character or age or feelings of the different characters , while you can still sit back and speak in the voice and words of the neutral narrator as appropriate .


Try it!  You already have all the talents and equipment you need:

You have words , you have your voice, and you have your body. And you have your feelings about stories and your care for other people . Ultimately it is your feelings for your story and your listeners which must be your driving force and your guide.

Try it and you will see how well it works.







Our dear SHARER Paola Danesi from Leeds School of English writes to us to invite all our SHARERS to take part in the Internet Competition they are organizing together with our friends at OUP. Here are the details: 


Oxford University Press and London Examinations

announce their 1st Internet Competition

It´s easy. It´s quick.


Just follow these three steps and win a prize!


1- Explore

Browse through Oxford University Press webpage  and London Examinations page and find the answers to the questions in the attachment.


2- Participate

Send the answers to London Examinations´ local rep

All participants will be receiving a certificate for taking part in the 1st Internet Competition. The deadline to send your entry is 15 June 2002.


3- Win

Out of all the entries sent with the correct answers, five will be drawn and prizes awarded. The draw will take place at Leeds School of English, (Zabala 1686, Capital) on 20 June 2002, at 6 p.m.

Each winner will receive an Oxford Advanced Learner´s Dictionary (New Edition - Revised for the New millennium) or a Resource Book for Teachers (Series Editor Alan Maley) Possible Titles: Games for Children, The Internet, Music & Songs, etc. plus a pack of London Tests Materials including  a collection of three Cds.



Since attachments cannot be sent to our list of SHARERS, we have posted the questions  in the NEWSBOARD section of our Website:

where you can easily access them.





Our dear friend and SHARER Maria Marta Suarez from IACA sends us an invitation for their forthcoming event:


ALL for Young Learners

A Holistic Dimension in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language


June 15th - 10 to 13 hrs. Venue: IACA - Billinghurst 1741 - Cap. Fed.


We will discover the huge language learning potential of very young learners like babies, pre-schoolers and kids.  We will be singing, playing, acting, listening to stories, dancing and much more in a session which will provide you with ready-to-apply activities to make your classes with the younger ones really fun and effective. Join us in this new holistic learning adventure!.


Fee: $30 (FAAPI 2001 participants, SEA members and students: $20)


And from 13.30 to 14.30 hrs. FREE Commercial Presentation By Graciela Buscaglia

This presentation is meant for those who want to upgrade their teaching and income!


IACA Holistic English Institute(r)

Billinghurst 1741 – Cap. Fed. - Phone: 011-4821-0281  - Fax: 011-4827-1396

Email:   / Website:




11.-         APIBA´S SIGS


Our dear SHARER Analía Kandel, APIBA SIGs Liaison Officer, has sent us this update about APIBA´s SIGs:


Business SIG

Co-ordinators: María Laura Fox - Gabriela Lozada

Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 -- Time: 10.30 - 12.30

Venue: Asociacion de Ex-Alumnos de Lenguas Vivas, Paraguay 1935, Buenos Aires

Agenda:  Discussion of chapters 1 - 3 from Managing in Turbulent Times, by Peter Drucker.  SIG Members interested in getting a copy of the reading material should e-mail    


Phonology SIG 

Co-ordinators: Roxana Basso - María Isabel Santa

Date: Saturday, June 8, 2002 -- Time: 9 - 11

Venue: Cultural Inglesa de Buenos Aires, Viamonte 1475, Buenos Aires

Agenda: to be announced




12.-         ENGLISH & FUN SEMINAR


Our dear SHARER, Alejandra Jaime from English & Fun writes to us:


Instituto San Isidro Labrador                                            


English & Fun 

Educational Resources for Teachers of English

invite you to the following event to be held at ISIL on Saturday, June 8


Latest trends in English pronunciation

"A detailed analysis of the most recent changes"

Christian Kunz

Director of Studies at Kensington Schools of English, Buenos Aires. He has taught ESL/EFL in the UK and Australia, and has recently run workshops for EFL teachers in Holland. In 1997 he was appointed Academic Representative in South America for the Anglia Examination Syndicate Testing Services


Games and Stories in the Classroom

"Surprise your students with new activities !!!"

Patricia Gómez

Lecturer in Language and Children's Literature at INSPT - UTN and IES en Lenguas Vivas. Leisure Time Coordinator. Drama Teacher. Actress. Storyteller. Former Coordinator of English at Instituto Lange Ley. She has specialized in her field of work both in English and Spanish.



Making vocabulary memorable

"Tasks and Techniques that can make a difference!"

Presenting the Macmillan English Dictionary


Gabriel Mohr

He has over 12 years' teaching experience. He has lectured on EFL Methodology in various Latin American countries for the past four years. He is a Pitman Qualifications and City and Guilds International Examiner.


date : Saturday, June 8 -  9:00 - 14:00

registration: (011) 4863 - 3648 // (011) 4957-5285 //

Venue : ISIL - Av. San Isidro 4640 (Saavedra) - Ciudad de Bs.As.


This event is free of charge but vacancies are limited so please confirm your attendance in advance. Certificates of attendance will be issued. Raffles.






Time to say goodbye again. We always say goodbye with a poem or a thought. This time we want to share an e-mail that one of my students at INSPT Universidad Tecnológica Nacional sent me. In its subject line she wrote the word: SHARING and we thought this really “is” SHARING. 



Dear Omar,


My name is Bettina Engelmann and I attend  Theories of Learning (Friday afternoons) with you. During the weekends I work with Paola D'assuncao (She also attends Theories of learning) and my mother at a Shelter for underprivileged people in Barracas. There we teach English and help around with other little things too. The thing is that some of the people that go there have no shoes or warm clothes to wear and sometimes can't go because they haven't eaten and are sick and cold. Many have to share one wet mattress (their houses are made of mud !).

I completely understand that our country's situation is terrible and that nobody has much that they don't need or use but I strongly believe that those children out there are our future and that they deserve at least to have a chance.  I'm not asking for much and I'm asking only to those who want to help. I cannot give anything in return but I assure you there's no better thank you than the one those little boys and girls give us with their faces when they receive help.


I would really appreciate if you could send this message to the people at the INSPT- UTN. Perhaps some of them have a pair of shoes or some clothes they don't wear anymore and would like to help others who really need those things.

If they do, they may contact me at the INSPT – UTN  ( Triunvirato 3174 – Capital) every Monday and Friday from 8:00 to 16:30 or at home (4799-0513) or at my cell phone (15-5315-8585) or at my e-mail address

Thank you very much ( on behalf of those little children), Bettina


Dear Bettina,

More than 5,000 SHARERS will now read your mail. I am sure many will want to help. All them will know that we are very proud of you and Paola. Keep up the good work.

You two really know how to SHARE.





Omar and Marina.


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