A word from the editor SHARE

A Word from the Editor

Yes! We are 19 years old today. Another year, another birthday, and not just another, but lots of reasons to be proud and happy. This year I will not bore you with an account of how SHARE has grown from a mail half a screen long to what it is today (which I have done a thousand and one times, anyway). Today, SHARE is much more than this e-magazine that you are about to read. It has become one of the leading educational institutions in our field in our country, and, most importantly, I do not need to make this clear to you. Most teachers in Argentina know SHARE and acknowledge our efforts to offer a quality option for professional growth .Day after day, we receive countless public messages from our colleagues through the social media, namely Facebook, where we are growing steadfastly stronger. Sometimes (and following what seems to be the popular trend nowadays) just a few lines or even an emoji express the satisfaction of our colleagues with our consistent policy of offering a solid academic programme at a very reasonable price or for free, like is the case of this humble magazine or our SHARE Community Talks.

With your support SHARE will keep on growing and developing new instances of teacher development like SHARE to lead, our highly rewarding Convention for Directors and Administrators of English which only a fortnight ago met with astounding success. Once again, we feel we ought to say THANKS A MILLION to you for your unfaltering support which has made many of our dreams come true and encourages us to keep on dreaming.

Dr. Omar Villarreal